Cú. 18 . Paul goeth The Aa;: . to Corinth: Ch. t 8. Rome is certain : but thecaufe.is uncertain. Sue. tonitet faith, It was their,Tumte,its by theimpulfe or imitation cf atilt (or fame read it, ofone Creftus.) It is not unlike that the pros rage at Rome againft the Gofpel made them Tumultuous againft Chriftians: and thereupon both forts werebanilbed under the name of ems: And Co there could then be no Church left and tolerated at Rome, but Gentiles only. For it is doubtlefs that the Chriftianyews were banilhed. 3. And becaufe be was of the faine craft, he abode with them, and wrought (for by their occupation fora a fpecial Meftenger to the World, tocall all to Repentance, and offer them pardon thereupon. 31. Becaufe he harh appointed a day in the which be will judge the world in righteoufnefs, by that man whom he hath ordained whereof he bath given afïurance unto all men, in that he bath raifed him from the dead. 31. For he bathcertainly determinedto judge th World with Rïghteoulheus, by that Man whom he bath ordained to f-,e the Saviour of the Faithful and the judge ofall : which (though it feem incredible to moft,thataman :liquid be fo advanced fo beKing and judge ofall. theWorld, ye) God bath given certainproof ofit, by e- vidence fullicient to evince it to true reafon, in that he hath railed him howl death ìo life, (and taken himup to Hehven,) 32. And when they heard of the refurredti©n of the dead, fome mock- ed : and others Paid, We will hear thee again of this matter. 33. So Paul departed from among them. 32, 33. Note, The Relurre&ion fe,emed fo in- credible that Clime (Epicureans its like) fcoff'd at it. Note, Paul did wifely in Preaching the true Godto them firft, and reproving their Idolatry, and only concluding with the notice ofChrift. And yet no fort of ,men more contemned his Marine than the Learned ,Athe,iianr. Self-con- ceit and the :prepofTeffion oftheir vain though extolled Learning, molt powerfully kept out the Truth : And it did not pleafe God there towork Miracles to convince them, .34 Howbeit ce tain men clave unto him, and believed : among the which aväs Dionyfius the Areopagite, anda woman named Damaris, and others with them. ;4. Thisfatuous Vniverfity yielded fewCon- verts : But thofe few were precious to God.. C H A P. XVIII. t. A Ftcr thefe things Paul depar- red from Athens, and came to Corinth; 2. And found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, lately come from Italy, with his wife Pr fcilla (becaufe that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart fróii Rome) and came unto them. - g. That Claudius banithed all yews from they were tent-makers). Note, Men feparated tòthe Minittry of the Gofpel, may labour for their Living, ifneedful. 4. And he reafoned in the fyna- gogue every fabbath, andperfwaded the Jews, and theGreeks. 4. Note,Still the Jews Synagogue was his Preaching place to gather the beginningsofa Church. 9. And whenSilas and Timotheus wgxe comefromMacedonia,Paulwas preffed in fpirit, and teftified to the Jews, that Jefus was Chrift. ru, He was extraordinarily moved in Spirit, moreopenly and tarneltly to teftifie to the dews that Jefùs is the Chrìft, to-leave them without encule, 6. And when they oppofed them- felves, and blafphemed, he !hook hi raiment, and faidunto them, Your blond be upon your own heads ; I am clean : from henceforth I will gd'unto the Gentiles. .1. And when they gainfayed and railed and blafphemed Chrift, he renounced and deferred them by the Ceremony of Making off the duct; as a witnefs that their deftruttion wasof them- felves and not by his neglect to convince them. And thenceforth he refolved to leave their Sy nagogue and teachthe Gentiles, 7. And he departed thence, and entred, into a certain man's houfe, named Juftus, one that worfhipped God, whole houle joyned hard to the fynagogue. 7. Note, It's like this Julius was a Profelyte ç if not, he was one that had learnt at lean to worlhip the trueGod. 8. And Crifpus the chief ruler of the fynagogue, "believed on the Lard with all his houle : and many of the U 3