Ch. 8. Paul accufed. The Corinthians hearing, believed and were baptized. 8. Note. t. Still we fee houfltolds are Conver- ted and Baptized together ; the Ruler's power and God's Bieffing prevailing with them. Though the Synagogue drove away Pau!, theRuler followed him. 9. Then fpake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vifion, Be not a- fraid, but fpeak, and hold not thy peace : r o. For I amwith thee, and r.o man fhall Pet on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city. 9. Note, t. it is an ungrounded Expofition of them that fay that there were God's People, as pious men before. (though forme Profelytesmight be fitch) s or that God only foreknew their Cenverfì.on, and did not decree to caufe ir. God had many there whom he decreed to Con- vert s and therefore will have Paul to Preachto them, and will fecure him from Perfecutions. I r. And he continued there ayear and fix months, teaching the word of God among them, t r. Note, r. Great works muft have anfwera- ble titre and labour. 2. there is mention of Paul, Solar, Timothy, ,Aquila, Luke, and many ether fuch at Corinth : but of no one that was Pule Biftop over the reit. r 2. And when Gallio was the deputy of Achaia, the Jews made inlurreccìion with one accord againft Paul, and brought him to the Judg- ment -feat. 1 2 They carried hint by force before the Ronan Procotful to be judged. 3. Saying, This fellow perfwa- deth men ro worlhip Gcd contrary to the law. t3. Note, Who would think but there men e e very godly men themfelves, who were fo acah,us againft worfhipping of God contrary to the Law. And yet they were meet blind, un- godly, malignant Perfecutorr. 14. And when Paul was now a- Lout to open his mouth, Gallio Paid t.uto the Jews, If it were a matter of wrong or wicked lewdnefs, O ye Jews, reafon would that I Thould bear with you : 15. But if it beaqueftion ofwords and names,and cf your law, look ye to it; for I will be no judge of fuch matters, Ac`Is: He goeth to Ephefus: Ch; i8. 14. The Roman Law enabled not Gallio to decide the vows 1, Controverfres, but to punifh men that wronged ore another, or committed any Wicked lewdnefs. Note, IfChriftian Magiftrates were all as wife as there Heathens, and would not lend fiery £egalifts their Swords, nor become the Execu- tioners of the fury of blind proud zealots, the bufinefs would be foon over, and be but a Icufïle among themfelves. 1 6. And he draye them from the judgment-feat. 17. Then all the Greeks tookSofthenes, the chiefru- ler of the lyna-gogue, and beat him before the judgment-feat: andGallio cared for noneof thofe things. 16, t 7. Note, It's like thefeGrse%,i were Chri: [clan Converts : They did ill in ezerciing re- venge. 18. And Paul after this tarried there yet a good while, and then took his leave of the brethren, and failed thence into Syria, and with him Prifcilla and Aquila: having Thorn his head in Cenchrea : for he had a vow. 1 8. Note, It is uncertain whether it was Paul or ,iAquila, that is raid to cut his hair : but it fecmeth liker to be..lguila; TheVowof Naza- rhes wasnot to cuttheir Hair, Cometime during life, and fometime for a certain time : when it was ended they cut their Hair. 19. And he came to Ephefus, and left them there : but he himfelf en- tred into the fynagogue, and reafon- ed with the Jews. 19. Note, His renouncing the yews at Corinth, was not a forfaking themelfewhepe. 2o. When they defired him to tar- ry longer time with them, he con- fentednot : z But bad them fare- wel, Paying, I muff by all means keep this feaft that cometh, in Jeru- falem : but I will return again unto you, if God will. And he failed fromEphefus. 22. And when he had landedat Cefarea, and goneup, and faluted the Church, he went down to Antioch. 22. He went up fiom foram to yerufaltm; and after returned to ..lntioeh. 23. And after he had fpent fome time there, he departed, and went ever