Ch. T g Apollo inflruEJed. Th 3 \ i ;. '> '' . Over all the countrey of Galatia and Phrygia in order, ftrengthening all the difciples. 23. To initru& and encourge thofe before Converted, as well as togather more. 24. And a certain Jew named A- pollos, born at Alexandria, an elo- quent man, and mighty in the fcrip- tures, came to Ephefus. z5. This man was inftrucrted in the way of the Lord ; and being fervent in the fpi- rit, he fpake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing on- ly the baptifin ofJohn. 24, 25. He was well ?cquaínted with the Scriptures, and believed fo rpuch of Chrift as 7ohn had Preached, and was Baptized with his Baptifm, but wanted yet much of the further knowledge of Chrift, andof the Chtiftian Bap. tile., 26. And he began to fpeak bold- ly in the fynagögue. Whom when A- quila and Prifcilla had heard, they took him unto therm, and expound- ed unto him the way ofGod more perfedtly, 26. Note, AnClaquentTeacher mighty in the Scriptures,'yet difdaineth not to he better in- ftru&ed bya Tent-maker and his Wife. z7. And when he wasdifpofed to pals into Achaia, the brethren wrote, exhorting thedifciples to receive him: who, when he was ,come, helped them much which had believed through grace. 27, They wrote to them to entertain and en- courage him s who when he was conte, proved a great helper to them that already by theGrace ofGod were made Believers, 28. For he mightilyconvinced the Jews, andthatpnblickly, (hewing by he fcriptures, That Jefus was Chrift. 28. For by the advantage of great acquain- tance with the Scriptures, and his Eloquence, he was too hard for the contradi&ing yetas, and clearly proved to them from the Scriptures which they owl¡, thanJefus is the true Mefliah or Chrift. C H A P. XIX. i. A Nd it carne to pats, that wliile 11 Apollos was at Corinth, Paul havingpaffed through the upper coafts, came to Ephefus : andending certain difciples, 2. He faid unto them, Have ye received the holy Ghoft liince ye believed ? And they Paid un- to him, We have not fo much as heard whether there be any holy Ghoft. 3. And he Paid unto rhein, Unto what then were ye baptized ? And they laid, unto John's baptifin. t. He found fore that owned the Chciftian Profelíìon. 2. Note, 3thn's Preaching was, That the Mefliah is now come, and ;hole that Repent- ed and Believed this, he Baptized, though they knew not that Jefus was he : But to many he alíó pointed to Jefas and laid, This is he. And there Difciples it's like were filch : and had Lamed no more. 4. Then laid Paul, John verily baptized with the baptlfm of repen- tance, faying unto the people, That they fhould believe on him which fhoüld come after him, that is, on Chrift Jefus. 5. When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jefus. 4, Paul laid, yob; Baptized thole who pro. £effed Repentance and Faith in the Mel3ialt as juib now at hand, who indeedwas Jefits Chrift. When thfc Difciples heard that, theywere ex. prefly Baptized (again) into the name of the Lord Jefas. 6. And when Paul had laid iris hands upon them the holyGholt came on them ; and they fpake with tongues, and prophefied. 7. And all the men wereabout twelve. 6, 7. And the miraculous fignal gift came on there men,whenPaul had laid his handson then,. Nate, The opinion of Marnixius and Bez,a, that ver. ç. was the fpaech of Paul concerning 7ohñs Co¡averts, that they vvere Baptized in the name ofthe Lord Jefùs. Y. Is forced, and there- fore to be fufpe&ed: 2. It is contrary to the Context : For [They in ver. 3. and They in ver S. and Them in var. 6. all plainly fpeak of the fame l'erlòns. 3. It is contrary to the Hiftory of yohles Baptifm, vvho Baptizedmultitudes of the common People, Soldiers, Publicans and Pha. rifees, upon a weer profeflion of Repentance, and belief ofthe Meliiah at hand, and is never Paid to have Baptized any into the Name ofthe Lord Jefus, 4. Their reafon for it is contrary to the Doarine of Ch'if}ianitÿ, as if pma Baptifm vvere fo much the fame bvith Chrift's, that it is not to be perfected by the latter. If U4 any