Ch.19. Mirccks,zrfugbt. ;71.(A any one then ornowwere baptized onlyby johns Baptifin, he ought to be.Baptized again. It rs ef- fential to Chriftian Baptifm, to be Baptized into the Name ofthe Father; andoftheSon (as burl. ed and rifen with him) and ofthe HolyGhoft. But 3sb9Js Baprifm had not all this, Therefore it isnot the (now) ChriftianBaptifm, 8. And he went into the fynagogue, and fpake boldly for the fpace of three months, difputing and perfwad- ing the things concerning the king- dom of God. 8. Note., TheGofpel is the I)o&rine of God's Reignby the,Mefiiah. 9.Butwhen divers were hardened, and believed not, but fpake evil of that way before the multitude, he . departed from them, and feparated the difciples, difputing daily in the fchool ofone Tyrannus. 9. The Earsof Chriftians being unfit to bear theirreproaching and blafphemingof Chrift, he feparated the Difciples from the publick Syna- gogue ofthe yews toa private School. I o. And this continued by the fpace oftwo years ; fo that all they which dwelt in Afia, heard the word of the Lord Jefus, both Jews and Greeks. [ o By two years Teaching and Difputing, the G?ípel was fpreadthrough all proconfular. It. And Godwrought fpecial mi- racles by the hands of Paul : i z. So that fromhis body were brought un- to the Fick; handkerchiefs or aprons and thedi-feafes departed from them, and the evil fpirits went out of them. [ 1, I s. So Many and, great were the Miracles and Cures done by Paul'smeans, that his corporal prefence could not ferse all, but byCloaths feat from his Body they at a, diftance were cured. 1 3.. Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcifts, took upon them to call over them which had evil,fpirits, the name of the Lord. Jefus, laying, We adjure you by Jefus whom Paul preached). 14. And there were (even ions of one Sceva a Jew, and chiefof the priefts, which did fo. i 3.Seven Sons ofoneofthe yemrchiefPriefts, beingVagabonds. Exorciftsthat pretended toCqn- jureout Devils, feeing'Paul's Miracles had (like ,menMagus) a delire to dothe like, and thought as. Conjuring Books burnt. Ch.i9. that laying the fame words would ferve without the fame Faith and Grace (as Hypocrites do in the mattersofSalvation). 15. And the evil fpirit anfwered and faid, Jefus I know, and Paul I know; but whoare ye ? 16.` And thr man inwhom the evil fpiritwas,leapt on them;ànd overcamethem,and prey vailed againft them, fo that they fled out ofthat houle naked andwounded. is. Words without Faith would not work to call out Devils, andChriftwould notgive power to his Nameufed as a Charm; but Satanftrength- ned theMan to wound and fhame them. 17. And this was known to all the Jews andGreeks alfo dwelling at E= phefus ; and fear fell on them all, and thename oftheLord Jefus wasmag- nified. .. 17. " This being commonly known, the name of Chrift was more reverenced and honoured. 18. And many thatbelievedcame; and confeffed, and (hewed theirdeeds. 18. 'Many Converts openly confeffed their $r- nier evil deeds. 19. Many alloof them which ufed curious arts, brought their books toy gether, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thoufandpie= ces of Giver. zo. So mightily grew the wordofGod, and prevailed. 19. To drewthe Truth oftheir Repentance by the Renunciation oftheir former delufions, and thatno menelfe might be hurt by their ill Books[ or make an ill de ofthem, they would not fell but burn their Books ofMagick and Charms and Idolatrous Rites andDivination ; though the price amounted to a very great Cumin (not pretending as yudar that thisMoney might have been given to the poor) This !hewed the power of God's Word and Grace, which fo prevailed againft De. Igiions and the love ofMoney. z i . After theeethings were ended, Paul ,purpofed in the fpirit, whenhe had paffed through Macedonia, and Achaia, to go to Jerufalem, faying; After Lhave been there,. I muff alto fee Rome. z. So he Pent into Mace- donia twoofthem that miniftredun- to him, ' Timotheus andEraftus; but he himfelf ftayed in Alia fora feáfon, a/. Intending togo to jcraftiem, he fens two tha.4