Ch 19: uproar . The Aets: againft Paul. Ch: r 9. thai were as Servants to him in attending And flefhly eafe and pleafure, and railingat truth and helping him in his Miniftery ferious Godlinefs, to become poor and bare by re- 23. And the fame time there arofe pouncing their ufurpation,and their maintenances way. nofmállítirabòutthat 2 For and domination, which theyget by pretending to 4' watch and rule for the finingOfthePeople's Souls. acertain man named Demetrius a fil- What power but God's can overcomeall this? vcr-fmith, which Made flyer Thrines 29. And the whole citywas filled forDiana, brought no (mall gain un- with confufion : and having caught to the craftfinen. 2,5. Whom he cal- Gains and Ariftarchus, men of Ma= led together with thé workmen of cedonia, Paul's companions in travel, like occupation, and laid: they milled with one accord into the 23, 24. One whofe Trade was to make either theatre. 30: And when Paul would Medals, that had the Image of the Temple ofDi- L11v e totted in unto the people, thé ana, to fell, or elfe little Bòáes in which thé f_ p s mage of Diana in her Temple wasearried about dilciples fuffered-him nor' in Proceflion by them, Note.. It -is:worldly intereft and commodity, and love ofMoney, that caufeth enmityand Per. fecution againft the Servants of Chrift, whomuft Preach the Gofpel'contraryto. this intereft. 25 . Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth : 26. Moreover, ye fee'and hear, that not alone at E- phefus, but almoft. throughout all A- fia, this Paul hath perfwaded and turned away mtich'people,faying,that they be no gods which are madewith hands: 27. So that riot Only this our craft is in danger robefet at nought; but alto that the temple of the great goddefs Diana Ihould be defpifed,and her magnificence fhould be deftroyed, whom all Ma, and the world wor- íhip eth. ï8. At d when they heard thefefayings, they werefull of wrath, and cried out., fáyiñg, Great is Diana of the Ephefians:-. "25, 26, 27. Note. Arguments fromWealthand interreft:are unanfwerable with blinded World= liege, and raife therageof theRabbleagain(}Re- formation. Here we may fee what refifteth Re- formation in the Churchof lllame ? Can it be, ho- ped that any Truth or Rcafon fhould perfwade the Pope and Cardinals, and all their worldly Pre- lates to give up their Wealth, Grandeur, Power and Dominion, and all their Lay furrender withRepentance their gainful Ufurpa- tien ofthe Power of the Keys ? And all their Courts (called) Ecclefaftick,Officials, Commiflà- riei,- Surrogates, Archdeacons, and-all themulti_ tudeoftheir fub-officers, to become poor bygiv. ing over their TradeofMoney-catching ? and all theirInquiftors tovomit up their blood andgain ? And all the Crowds ofJefuits and Fryers tudofe their Revenues and Life of Eafe? And their For-Idly Clergy who live in lazy ignorance, and 29. Intereftcaufed rage and e'n£ufion. 31. And certainof the chief of A- fia; which werehis friend's, lent unto him,- defiring him that he would not adventure himfelf into the Theatre. 31. The Theatrewas the place where they met to judgeOffenders and cult them to Wild beams s And fome.ofthe Priefts or Heathen Matters of thofe Executions favoured Paul, and diffwaded him froto coming.., 32. Some thereforecriedone thing, and fome another': for 'the affembly was confufed,and themorepart knew not wherefore they were come toge- there. 32.Nate.W hatReafon orJuftice is tobe Expea- ed where theignorant Rabble are up acidrage? 3 3. And they drew Alexander out of the multitude, the Jews putting him forward. And Alexander becken- ed with the hand., and would have madehis defence unto the people. 34. But when they knew that he was a Jew, all with one 'voice about the fpace of two hours cried out, Great istDiana ofthe Ephefians. 33. Note. It's like, but not certain that this , flexander,washe that Paul tellsTimothydid him much evil 'Whether he werea Jewor a Chrifti- an by Religion is uncertain 3 s. And when the town-clerk had appealed thepeople, he laid, Yemeti ofEphefus, what man is there that knowethnot how that the city ofthe Ephefians is aworfhipper of thegreat goddefs Diana,andofthe.image which fell down from Jupiter? 36. Seeing then that there things cannot be fpo. ken