Ch: 19. The People appeafed. The ken againft, ye ought to be quiet, and todo nothing rafhly. 37. For ye have brought hither rhefe men, which are neither robbers of churches, nor yet blalphemers of your goddefs. f 1.3 S Note. It is the Office of Rulers to appeafe the Rabbles rage by Reafon and Authority. 2. It (hems the Chriftians inwildom hadufferted Chri- ftianity withoutlaying muchagainftDiaúa,which would have enraged the Peopleagainft them. 38. Wherefore ifDemetrius, and the craftfinen which are with him, have a matter againft any man, the law is open, and there are deputies ; let them implead one another. 38. If they have any Aótion, let it be tried fairly at the yudicature by Law, and not thus by Tumult. 39. But ifye enquire any thing con- cerning other matters, it (hall be de- termined in a lawful affetnbly. 39. Ifbetide matters ofwrong you have any Acccufationof more publick concern, it mutt be tryed inagreater Atfembly and higherJudicature. Mu. Thehigluur Judicatures confined of fuller Affemblies than the lower. 4o. For weare indanger to be cal- led in queftion for this day's uprore, there being nocaufe wherebywe may give an account of this concourfe. 41. And whenhe had thus fpoken, he difmiffed the affembly. 40. Our Superiours are juttly jealous of Tu mutts, and we are in danger to be queftioned for ;his, and cangive no pit reafon to excufe it. CHAP. XX. s. ® Nd after the uprore was ceaf- LA ed, Paul called unto him the difciples, and embraced them, and departed for togo into Macedonia. 2. And when he had gone over thofe parts, and had giventhem much ex- hortation, he came into Greece, 3. Andthere abode three months : I. Nate. He (paredno labour to fave Souls and gather Churches. 3. And when the Jews laid wait for him, as he was about to fail into Syria, he purpofed ro return through Macedonia. 4. And there accompa- nied him into Afia, Sopaterof Berea; Paul in Macedonia: Ch. zò and of the Theflalonians, Ariftarchus, and Secundus; and Gaius of Derbe, and Timotheus ; and of Afia, Ty chicus and Trophimus. q. Thefe go- ing before, tarried for us at Troas. 3. Note. The though nearer in Religion the Heathens, yet perfecuted the Chriftians when the Heathens gave them liberty ofReligion (till Nero's time) even as the Papifts do the Re' formedwhom Turks tolerate. 2. Timothy wasno now fixed Mop of Ephefus, who travelled with Paul, 6. And we failed away from Phi- lippi, after the days of unleavened bread, and came unto them ro Troas in five days, where we abode (even days. 7. And upon the firft day ofthe week, when the difciples came toge- ther to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow, and continued his fpeech until midnight. 7. On the Lord's day when the Chrifhians met asthey ufed todo, to Eat àSupper together, and the Lord's Supper aller t,. Paul being tó deparé oil the morrow, was the longer in Preaching to them, even till Midnight. 8. And there were many lights in the upper chamber where they were gathered together. 9. And there fat in a window a certain youngman, named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep fleep : and as Paul was long preaching, he funk down with fleep, and fell down from the third loft,and was taken up dead. i o. And Paul went down, and fell on him, and em- bracing him, faid, Trouble not your felves ; for his life isin him. 8. Nate. This accident was to prepare forhis delivery. t I . When he therefore was come up again, and had broken bread, and eaten, and talked a long while, even till breakofday, lobedeparted. t t. Mete. Grace with I'erfecution made Chri- fìians willingoflong ExercifesofReligion. I2. And they brought the young man alive, and werenot a littlecom- forted. s2. Note. Had he died, Come would have Paid, This t