Ch. 20. Paul's fpeech The Aasa to the elders. Ch. 2o. This is the effe&ofChriftianity ; Others, this is the Lord with all humility ofmind, the fruit of Couventines, and night Meetings; and withmany tears and temptations Others, this is the fruit of long and unfeafonable which befel me by the lying in wait Preaching 3 and they would have been hardned y Y g by the £caudal, of the Jews : 13. And we went before to ¡hip, 1g. e know atwhat rates cf danger and fuf- and failed unto ADös, there intend- feting I have served God for your falvation, ing to take in Paul : for fo had he hum bearing how I kept back nothing all, efea. appointed, minding himfelf to go a- that was profitable unto you, but foot. have chewed you, and have taught r3. Note, It was there poor lababouring foot y p y Òu ùbÍickl and from houfe to Preachers that Plantedthe CatholkckChurch, and not Mitred Pompous Princes and Lords, or the houfe. worldly crew. ao.=Not fraudulently coneealiug any thing 14. And when he met with usat profitable toyou,nor teaching unprofitable things; Afros, we took him in, and came to butinftruâingyou both in the publickAflèmblie Mitylene. 19. And we failed thence, and from houfe to houle as I had opportunity. and came the next day over againft. toIthe both to repentance Jews Chios; and the next day we arrived and ardo the faiths, ward ur toward God, and faith toward our at Samos,and tarried at TrogylIium; LordJefus Chrift. and the next day we came to Miletus. 21. The fumm ofmy Preaching bath been to 16. For Paul had determined to draw all men to Eeppene, and turn from fin and fail by Ephefus, becaufe he would vanity toGod, as their God, by á lively Faith not fpendd the time in Aíia : for lie inour Lord Jefus thriftas the wayto theFather, babied, if it were poffible for him, 22. And now behold, I go bcund tobe at Jerufafem theday ofPente- in dpi the unto Jhat (hall not colt. 17. And from Meals he Pent meter 2 23. things that tllt bholy toEphefus and called the elders of Gh there : 23. Save that the Ghoft witneífeth in every city,faying the church. that bondsand r ßicóttonsabide the. 17. Note. They that tell us thatby the Elders 22, And now I an: going to Jrruflon, by the ofthe Church is meant all the Diocefane Bithops miíron of God's Ipirit who ditcâcth my way, of...0.e, should tell us, a. Why Luke would nos in Cape&ationof bonds; not kncwir uft what tell us to ? a. Why all ..fia is called a Morn and how I (hall niter, but tiat whéa ever t in the {angular number, when we never find the come,the Holy Ghoftin others that areProphets Churches of Judea, Galatia, or any other Count tells me, that bords and afli&ions muff befal me, try fo called one Church ? 3. 'Why the Churches ! 24. But none of there things move ofall .Afia are fummoned asthe Church ofE¡be- $ As? 4. What proof there is of Metropelitane me, neither count Imp life dear un- Churches fingularlynamed in thole days? 5. How to my fell, fo that I might finith my it would Rand with Paul's great balk, to Con- gregate all the Bishops of Via. And wt ether it y was done in a dayor two! 6 Whether Paul that which I have received of the Lord flayed two or three years at Fphefusdid Preach Jefus, to teftifie the gofpelof the grace through all .Aria from houle to houfe, warning of God. every one night t and dd evidence with t etra?7 Elders 24. But the expe&ation of fuffering, fhaketh then, at Ephefus alone ? P. Whythere isno word mount toFtheir takingfawrym For r:And I account t ofeimaking some one theRuler of all the refs; as not my life dear, ifI may lay it down info good a taufe, and for fo great a benefit, as is the 18. And when they were come to finishing of the race or court of Life, which him, he Paid unto them, Yeknow, God hash afligned me to, with joy, as one that , Is part danger and ready, to receive the Crown. from the firft day that I came into and the fullperformanceoftheCommif:on whAs Afia, after what mannerl have been I have received of the Lord, tò proclaim cod with you at all feafons, > 9, Serving theChurch andfavingof fouls. t teftifie theGofpel ofGrace for die gathering of j+.Tate,r. suC