Cb. .o. Paul warneth them The Note, r. Suffering mutt not !hake the Croft or refolution ofa Chriftian,'efpeciallya Miniftet of Chritt. 2. We thould not only .''endeavour t'o finish ourcow fe ofChriftianity and MiniRrywith Fidelity, but alto with joy. 3.'Good beginnings are not enoughwithout well finithingourCourse. 4. Life mutt not be thought too dear to lay down for fo deferable au end. 5. Martyrs may end their course with joy. *eft, How thould we finifh our courte with joy ? .Anfiv. a. Take God and Heavenly Glory for your all or only happinefs, and believe it firmly. 2. Give up your (elves whollyto his Love and Service without referve. Live on the Medi- ation ofChrift by Faith. 25. And now behold, I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom ofGod, /hall fee my face no more. 25. Note, O hear your Teachers, asthofe that fhortiy /tall fee their Faces on Earth no more.' 26. Wherefore I take you ro re- cord this day, that I am pure from, the blond ofall men. z7. For I have not `tÍiunned to declare unto you all the counfel of God. 26. You are my Wiìnefl'es, that ifany perifh, k is not longof me, for want of Teaching t for I have not concealed from you any Truth need- fary to your Salvation committed to my truft. 28. Takeheed therefore untoyour (elves, and to all the flock, over the which the holy Ghoft hath madeyou overfeers, to feed the churchofGod, which he hath purchafed with his own blond. 28. Ufe your greateft care and watchfulnefs and labour, firft about your (elves (that your judgmentsmay be found, your hearts holy, and your lives exemplary), and then for all the Flock (that one Flock at Ephefue) over which the Ho. lyGhoft, by his inward qualifying and exciting you, and by his outward call, by the Flock and theOrdainers, hath made you fo many Bithops orOverfeers : fpare for no diligence to feed and guide this Church of Gad, which Chritt the Son of. God bath fo much loved as to purchafe it with his ownBlood. Nate, t. The work of the MiniRry, is not Impetioufnefs and Idleneh, but a great care and labour for our own S ass and all the Flock,whofe beat danger and necetiities require it. O, wo, wo, wo, to idle, worldly, ungodly Treacherous Bishops and Minifters! 2. He is no true Mini- ft.r as to his own Confcience andSiltation, eha is not made filch by the Holy Ghoft, though his a`t; may be valid to the guiltyPeople. 3. Chrift's Blood bath purchafed the Church in a fuller feels A3: offalfe'Teachers. Ch: than he is (aid to die for all. 4. The blood of Chritt may be called the bloodofGod. ,q. The reafons before mentioned make me think that it is the one Churchof Epheftu,' and not elfin .Afa that hadalt thefe Bishops. It's called here the [Flock and the Church] in the fingular number; and I remember not that anyChurchunder. the Gofpel is Co called, fave only a fingle Church, and the Univerfal Church, and not a'Collektion oemany Churches. 29. For 'I know this,that after my departing fhall grievous wolves enter in among you,- notfparing the flock. 29. 1 foreknow that dangerous Héreticks and Tyrannical Domineerers will enter, who as Wolves, may beknown by the nut-quell which they do to theFlock. 30; Alfo of your Own felves fhäll men. arife, fpeak'ingperverfe things, to draw away difciples after them. 30. Even out of your ownChurch (if not of you Bithops that hear me) fhaltfome añft, that thall vend unfound andnovel DoL}rines,ptupofe- ly to draw Difcipples to admire and follow them: O then, what Church'can be fecure from filch hurtful Miuifers and corruptions. 31. Therefpre'watch, andremem- ber that by -the (pace of three year's, I ceafed not to warn every one night andday with tears. 3e. Remeber my example and imitate ir. left it condemn you,. fvc. Note, Did Paul warn eve- ry one night andday vvith Tears,in a biacefsof many hundred ParishChurches? 3z. And now, brethren, I com- mend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build youup,and to give you an inheritance among all them which are faneS ified. 32. And now Brethren, I have no greater Benediktion for you, nor Counfel to you, but that God may be your God, your All, your Guide, Protektor and Reward, and the word of hisGrace maybe your Rule, your Employment, and your Truft; which is fufficient in it's kind, by the helpofthe Spirit to build you yet higher in fäith,loveand comfort,and tofecure youoftheIn- heritance amongsheSanétifiedwhich it promifeth. 33. I have coveted no man's fil- ver, or gold, or apparel. 43. Note, Theworldly felffeekers that cannot fay this, are not fuch as Chriftwill ownor blefs. 34. Yea, you Our felves know, that thefe lands have miniftred unto my neceulities, and to them that were withme, 11. Note;