Ch. II : Paul warned The A. not tó gó to yerufà7em. Ch. z den. q. And finding_ difciples, we tarried there . feven days : who fail iò Pail through the Spirit, that he fhould not go up to Jerufalein. 4 Note, Was the Spirit in.Paul, and in them contrary ? No, but the Spirit in,them told them in what danger he would be at ,Yerafalem, and then they inkindnefs, ,ás Men, diffwaded him, but not that the Spirit forbidhim, but carried as. Note, This labouring of Patel is exempla- .him-on to it, and therefore he went on. tytó Minifters when neceffary, 2. IfMinifters 5. And when he had accomplifh- 34 Note, Worldly Labour forworldly Love is fordidifs a Minitter,but in necef city it islendable. 3 5 I have (hewed you all things, how that fo labouring ye ought tö fupport theweak ; and to remember the words of the Lord Jefus, how he fáid,It is more bleffed to give then to receive. muft labour to have to give to the relief of o, them, how much more others that havenot fach Avocation as the Minifterial work? They live Wickedly like Sodomites that live idly without any labour profitable to others, meetly becaufe they are rich and in no need themfelves. 3. It is uncertainwhether Paul cite this laying ofChrift as verbally told him, though pot writ- ten, or whether he fpake it only as the fence and not the words which are recorded. 4: To be a Giver ismorehonourable than to be a Receiver. 36. And when hehad thus fpoken, he kneeled down, and prayed with them all. 36. Note, Prayer is a meet way of parting with our Friends, and fhewiag our love to them, commending them to God. All things are fan&ifiedby it. 37. And they all wept fore, and fell on Paul's neck, and kiffed him, 38. Sorrowing moft of all for the words- which he fpake, that they Mould feehis face no more. And they accompanied him to the (hip. ed thole days, we .departed, and went our way, and they all ;brow ht us onour way, with wivés andchit- dren, till we were out of the city and we kneeled down on the fhore, and prayed. 5. Nate, The loving Communionof Saintsand Prayer, are the mark oftrue Difiples. Beza con- je&ureth that they are called Difciples as mees' Chriftians, not ordered into a particular Church State: And that they are called the Brethren` when alfxiated in Church order. 6. And when we had taken our leave one ofanother, we took (hip ; and they returned homeagain. 7. And when wehad finifhedour courrefrom Tyre, we came to Ptolemais, and fainted the brethren, and abode with them one day. 8. And the nextday we that were of Paul's company depar- ted, and came unto Cefarea; and we entred into the houle of Philip 37. Note, Thus love caufeth forrow here,and the evangelift (which was one ofthe thus we part at left with our Friends with tears Leven) grid abode with him. and grief, with whom we lived with joy. But we 6. Note, Luke who was oneof Paul's ordinary (hall meet again with greater joy, and nevér part. Company makes no mention of himfelfand his owna&ions and labours, as ifhe were no body, C H A P. XXI. 9. And the fame man had four i. ANd it came to pals, that after daughters, virgins, which did pro- " we were gotten from them; phefie: and had lanched, we came with a s Note,'Though Women were not to fpeak ftraight courfe unto Coos, and the as Teachers in the Aflembiies, they might have the extraordinary giftsofthe Spirit, and fpcsk day following unto Rhodes, and from by infpiration and predi&ion. thence unto Patara. s. And finding i o. And as we tarried there many a (hipfailing over unto Phenicia, we days, there came down from Judea went aboard, and let forth. 3. Now a certain prophet named Agabus. when we had difcovered Cyprus,we I I. Andwhen he was come unto us, left it on the left hand, and filed in- he took Paul's girdle, and boundhis io Syria, and landed at Tyre : for own hands and feet, and laid, Thus there.the (hip wasto unlade her bur- faith theholy Ghoft, So fl all theJews