Ch. ix: Paulcometh Th at Jerufalem bind the man that oweth this girdle, and thall deliver him in- to the hands of the Gentiles. r I. Note, God foretelleth his Servants (of- ferings, not as bidding them avoid them, but as Warning them to prepare. rz. Arid when we heard there things, both we and they of that place, befought him not to go up to Jerufalem. 12. Note, As Men, theyperfwaded him to a- void the danger. 13. Then Paul anfwered, What mean ye to weep, and to break mine heart ? for I am ready not to be bound only, but alto to die at Jeru- falem for the nameof the Lord Jefus. 13. You do but become your felves the Au- thors ofmy (offerings : What are bonds,and what is Life,thatI 1bould not cheerfully entertain them for the name ofiefus my Lord ? Note, The condolence and temptations ofcom- paffronate Friends, are oft more grievous than perfecution. 14. And when he would not be perfwaded, we ceafed, laying, The will of the Lord be done. 14. WePaw by his refolution and unperfwa- dablenefs that it wasGod's will ; and we fubmitted to it. r 5. And after thofe days we took up our carriages, and went up to Je- rufalem. 16. There went with us al- fo certain of the difciplesof Cefarea, and brought with them one Mnafon of Cyprus, an old difciple, with whom we fhould lodge. ri. And when we were come to Jerufalem, the brethren received us gladly. 15. Msefon lodged us, and the Church glad- ly owned us. 18. And. the day following Paul went in with us unto James ; and all the elders wereprefent. 153. Nate, Theythat fay, all the lilders were all the Bifhops of7udea. do without proof, feign Peal to have Cent word beforeofhis coming,and defired a Council tobe gathered to entertain him , or elfe they take all the Bilhops ofPam to be very grofs Nonrelidents, that were allfound the fir& day, fo far from their Flocks. 19. And when he had faluted the11, he declared particularly what e Ash. to yertufllem. Ch. 2l: things God had wrought among the Gentiles by his Miniftry. zo. And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord. 19. They rejoyced and thanked God for the fuccefs of the Golpel on the Gentiles, and the fcattered yews abroad. 2,o. And faid unto him, Thou feeft, brother, how many thoufands of Jews thereare which believe, and they are all zealous of the law. z1. And they are informed of thee that thou teacheft all theJews which are among the Gentiles, to forfake Mo- fes, Paying, that they ought not to circumcîfe their children, neither ro walk after the cuftoms. 20, 21. They are told, that thou teacheft not only the Gentiles, but the Sews to forfake Cir- cumcifion, andWit Lawandthe Cuflosos. zz. What is it therefore? the multitude muff needs come together : for they will hear that thou art come. 23. Do therefore this that we fay to thee : wehave four men which have a vow on them : 24. Them take, and purifie thy Pelf with them, and be at charges with them, that they may (have their heads : and all may know, that thofe things whereof they were informed concerning thee, are nothing, but that thou thy felf alto walkeft orderly, and keepeft the law. 22. TheMultitude ofChriftian yews will hear of thy coming, deliver them thus from this offence we have four Men that made the Na- Len tes vow to abftain from Come things a cer. tain time, which is now expired, and they are to !have themfelves ceremonioully in the Tem- ple : Go thou with them, andperform there the legal Ceremonies of Purification, and be at the colt ofthis folemnity on them, that the People may know that the report of thee ís net true, but thatthou being a Jew dolt thy (elf keep the Law. Note, The Law was by Chrift abrogated as to the ufe of the Types and Ceremonies, as ftg- nifyinghim that was to come. The Political part ceafed when their policy was diffolved by their ruine : And the moral natural part Chrift COX tinned as his Law. And the Abrogation of the re& was not fully made known at &it, but by de- greet; aid the ezetcifeof itl to ong]erated to the yaws. .