Ch. z i Paul The 25.As touching the Gentiles which believe, we have written and con- cluded, that they obferve no fuch thing, fave only that they keep them- felves from thingsoffered to idois,and from blood, and from ftrangled, and from fornication. 25. We intend not this for the Gentiles, nor wouldbring them under theyoke ofgofer's Law, z6. ThenPaul took the men,. and the next day purifying himfelf with them, entred into the temple, to fig- nifie the accomplifhment of the days of purification, until that an offering should be offered for every one of them. 26. Paul didas they advifed him,andperform- ed all the Ceremonies required, and came to the Temple to make it known, that the days ofPu- rificationwere accomplifhed,till they were to offer. 2.7. And whenthe (even dayswere almoft ended, the Jews whichwere of Afra, when they faw him in the temple, ftirred up all the people, and laid hands onhim, 28. Crying out, MenofIfrael, help: this is the man that teacheth all men every where a- gainft thepeople,and the law, and this place : and farther, brought Greeks alto into theTemple,and bath polluted thisholy place. 29. (For they had feen beforewith him in the city, Tro- phimus an Ephefran, whom they fup- pofed that Paul had brought into the temple). 27. Note, Some think that God let out this afllidfioti on Paul, for complying fo far topleafe thePeople; asifit had been carnalCounfelwhich he followed. But that is not to be fuppofed, that both the Apoftles and Elders,andhe himfelfwho was guided by the Spirit, 1hould herein err and be milled: This would leave us uncertain ofthe truthoftheir writings. But it was the way offill- fillingGod's decree ; and tells us what a task it is to have to do with full men : Whether they be pleated or not, wemuff (utter by them. 30. Andall the citywas moved,and thepeopleran together : and they took Paul,and drew him out of the temple : andforthwith the doors were Phut. 3o. In blind rage they drag'% him AA óf the éelppleas a Profaner ofit. A&s. Apprehended. Ch. 21. 35. And as they went about to kill him, tidings came unto the chief cap- tain of the band, that all Jerufalem was in an uprore. 31. This fort ofzeal maketh Men think it no fin but a reeving of God, tomurder the belt of Saints; as a Sacrifice to their Holy Temple and Ceremonies: 32. Who immediately took fouldi- ers, and centurions,and ran down un- to them : and when they faw the chief captain and the fouldiers, they lefts beating of Paul. 32. Note, a. Even a Heathen Government is better than the Popular rage of blind ceremoni- ous fuperftitious Zealots. 2. Heathens are oft the ProtestorsofChriftians, agninft theblind rage of thofe that profefs devotion to the fame God. 33 Then the chief captain came near, and took him, and command- ed him to bebound with two chains; and demanded whohe was,and what he he had done. 34. And force cried one thing, force another among the multitude: and when he could not know the certainty for the tumult, he commanded him tobe carried into the caftle. 31, 34. A Heathen would hear the cal a before he judges it, when fuperftitiousZealots Czewte before they try or hear. 35 And when be came upon the 'fairs, fo it was, that he was bornof the fouldiers, for the violence of the people. 36. For the multitude ofthe people followed after, crying, Away with him. 3$. The Heathen Soldiers were faínbyforce; to carry and guard him from thefeHypocrites. 37. Andas Paul was to be ledinto the caftle, he faid unto the chíefcap- tain, May I fpeak unto thee? Who faid, Canft thou fpeak Greek? 38. Art not thou that Egyptian whichbe- fore thefe days madeft an uprore,and leddeft out into the wildernefs four thoufand men that were murderers? 37, 38. The tumult about him made him fu- fpe'c him to be an Incendiarythat had lately rarf_ ed fedition. 39, $ut Paul laid, I am a man