Ch. 22 Paul's The which atn a Jewof Tarfus, a city in Cilicia, a citizen of no- mean city and I bet-etch thee, fuffer me to fpeak unto the people. 4o.And when hehad given him licence, Paul flood on the ftairs, and beckened with the hand unto thepeople : andwhen therewas madea great filence, he fpake unto them in the Hebrew tongue, laying, 39,4o When he hadgiven himleave tofpcak, and procured filence and audience byhis Authori- ty. which elfethe Multitude of Legal Zealots would not hastegranted him, hefpake ,to,them in the Chaldee Tongue thencalled the Hebrew, be- caufe it was nnderftood by a greater number than the Greek. This (hewed' that Greekwas notthen moltcommon. HAP. XXII. Mtn, brethren; and fathers,liear Aai . . Apology. Ch. 22. whom t had Letters authorizingme to bring them. Pfoners be punilhed. 6. And it came to pals; that as I made my journey; and was come nighunto Damafcusabout 000n,fud- denly there !hone fràan heaven agreat light round about me. 7. And I fell unto the ground; arid' heard 'a voice fdÿing unto tne, Saul; Saul, why perfecureft thou me ?, 6, 7. I law a Light, and heard a Voice, &e. N rs, When Chrift will (peak in Power and Terror, hewill raft down theproudett Perfecu- tor. 2. Christ taketh the perfecutingofhis Ser- vants, and ftriving again$ hisGofpel, as perfe- cnting himfelf, it being againft his Friends, and for his Caufe. S. And I anfwered, Who art thou, Lord ? And he faid unto me, I am Jefus Of Nazareth whom then ye my defence whichÌ make perfecuteft. now unto you. z: (And when they $- Nate, o,d Pertecuton knowChrist arighr, heard that he fake in the Hebrew and know that it is him inhis Servants whom p they tongue to them theykept the more do it. perfecute, they durit not, they would not faience and he , faith,) 3. Iam veri= 9. And they that were with me, ly,a.than which am a Jew, born in law , indeed,the light, and were a- Tarfus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought fraid but they heard not the voice up in in this city, at the feet of Ga- ófhim that_fpake to me. malièl, and taught according to the' 9: They faw the Light, and heard the fcund Pere t manner of the law of the fa- (like Thunder) but fave no man, nor heard die . voice and Words that' vvere fpoken tome, and thers, and was gealous'towardsGod, which i heard: as ye all are this day. : Iò. And I faid, What (hall I do, 3. Iam a ew brought up a tiifcinle ofGama- Lord ? And the Lord faid untome, lief, under the fame Laws and Cuftoms, and as Arife, and go into Damafcus, and zealous for God in your way, as you noware. there it tall be told thee of all things 4. And Iperfecuted this way unto; which are appointed for thee to do. the death, binding and delivering in- fo. I vvill not this way by voice from hea- to priions both men and women. . ven, tell thee thy duty, I have ftablifhed the 4. And asyou are affedhed withzealous cruelty vvaÿ ofnotifying it by my Minifters'and Spirit: now ágainft Chriftians, fo was I then, and perfe. Go toDamafcus, and I. vviil fend thee a Teacher: cured them even to death, binding and deliver- Isere, Souls duely humbled. are ready to do ing them into Prifön, both Men and women. , any thing that Godvvould have them do. g. As alto the high grief} doth i I. And when I could not fee for bear me witnefs, and all the eftateof the'glory of that light, being led by , the elders from whom all() I re- the hand of them that were with me, celved letters unto the brethren, and I came into Dad afcus. t t. Note , God made the Light it felîto blind went to Damafcus, to bring them him, as an Emb:emofhis'perfecuting blindnefs. which were there, bound unto Je- i2. And one Ananias, a devout The, for to be punifhed, man according Ito the law, having 5. The High ïirieft and all theCouncil ofEl- a good report of all the Jews which ders taped the Sanhedrin know this, from ? p _ Jews dwelt