Ch. 2.2 Houe Paul The Ais was converted: Ch.zz. dwelt there, 13. Came unto me, and ftood, and laid unto me, Brother Saul, receive thy fight. And the fame hour I. looked up upon him. z s. rIna ,liar azealous Yew, though a Chri flian, well fpoken ofby the yews themfelves, was fent to reftore my fight, tire. 14. And he faid, The God of our fathers hath chofen thee, that thou fhouldeft know his will, and fee that tuft one, and ihouldeff hear the voice of his mouth. 15. For thou (halt be his witnefs unto all men, of what thou haft feenand heard. 14, 15. It is the freegrace and will of God that hath chofen thee to fee Chrift, (whom thou perfècuteft) and to hear his voice from Hea- ven, and to be his witnefs ofwhat thou haft Peen and heard. re, Paul is a full inftance ofGod's fpecial elef}ing grace. 16. And now why tarrieft thou ? bile, and bebaptized, andwafh away thy fins, calling on the name of the Lord. . 16. Delay nor, but prefentlyrepent and believe in Chrift, and give up thy (elf to him in his b.rp- tifmal Covenant, and as the water wafliedt this body, his pardoning grace through themerits of his blood and righteoufn: fs, Mall waft away the guilt ofthy fins: and call on the Lord for Mercy :Ind for his Spirit 17. And it came to pals that when I was come again to.Jerufalem, even while I prayed in the temple, I was in a trance ; 18. And faw him laying unto me, Make hafte, and get thee Cluickly out of Jerufalem : for they will not receive thy teffimonÿ con- cerning me. a7. 'te. God that foreknew that the yews would obftinately reje6h Paul, directed his Mi- nillry from them elsewhere. 19. And I.faid Lord, they know that I imprifoned, and beat in every fynagogue them that believed on thee. zo. And when the bloodof thy mar- tyr Stephen was flied, I allo was ítanding by, and confenting unto his death ; and kept the raiment of them that flew him. 19, zo. Lord, Sure theywill nothear me with- out prejudice, who have as hotly perfèçuced thy Servants, as they 4o. 21. And he Paid unto me, Depart: for I will fend thee far hence unto the Gentiles. 21. I have other work for thee to doere; where with more fuccefs. 22. And they gave him audience unto this word, and then lift up their voices, and raid, Away with fuch a fellow from the earth : for it is not fit that he fhould live. 22. Note, t. Of,how little credit is-the judg_' mentofblinded wicked Men, ofGod's Servants When they judge them unfit to live on earth, it ftgnifrethno guilt in them,but their own madnefs. 23. And as they cried out, and cart offtheir clothes, and threw duffinto the air, 24. The chief captain com- manded him to be brought into the cattle, and bade that he fhould be examined by fcourging : that he might know wherefore they cried fo againft him. 23, 24. Note, What ufage God's Servants mutt look for in the World : The Legalil}s rage as the Devil's Bedlams, and the Heathen judge who was juft, and preferved him, yet would lcourge him on prelùmption before he heard his caufe, but there is at hand a final judgment, where all thefe Bedlam, and Tyrants shall be caft. z5. And as they bound himwith thongs, Paul laid unto the centurion that itoód by, Is it lawful for you to lcourgea man that isa Roman, and uncondemned? a t. As they,prepared hisBody to feourged; he Paid, Is it not againft your Law ro fcpurge a Man uncondemned, who is 'a Denizon 6f-the Roman privileges? 26.When the centurion heard that, he went and told the chief captain, laying, Take need what thou doeff for this Ivan is a Roman. 27. Then the chief captain came, and raid un- to him, Tell me, art thou a Roman ?. He laid, Yea. 2,8. And the chief captainanfwered,With a great fumm Obtained I,this freedom. And Paul Paid, But I wasfree-born. 26. Art thou a Roman Denizon? Note. Tar. fias was a Ci.y that wa; cmarchiïèd with theRo. mda privileges. 29.Then ftraightway they departed X kro:1,