Ch. 23. Paul's Freedom. The Aas. HighPriet's injuftice,Cb.1, from him which thould have era- wit Gods Jgdgments againft them. Cbrift G114 more,whn never (Toned, aad was trade under°le mined him : and the chief captain Law, Rulers are not unreprovable. alfo was afraid after he knew that he 6. But when Paul perceived that was a Roman, and becaufe he had the one part were Sadducees, and the bound him. . other Pharifees, he cried out in the 29. Note, The fear of Mans Laws bath more council, Men and brethren, I am a power with worldly Men, than thefear ofGod. ouncil, the fan of a Pen, I e of 30. On the morrow, becaufe he , would have known the certainty thehopeand refurredion of the dead, whereforehe wasaccufedofthe Jews, I am called in queftion. he loafed him from his bands, and is. He took the advantage oftheir own diffe- rences, to draw the Pharffeesto favour him, an commanded the chief priefts and all to turn their oPofirion againft eachotherHe fpake their council to appear, and brought nothing but the Truth,but he left out one half of Paul down, and let him before them. the Truth, and fo itwas a fort ofEquivocation; o, He wouldhear bin and themEogeth:T:- which is a (peakingpart o£the truthandconcealing another part, knowing that the hearerwill thence CHAP. XXIII. mifunderftand it : This is a fault when we are o- bliged to declare thewhole, or when itsinjurious I. ANd Paul earneftly beholding to the Hearers or to the Truth, but by conceal- the council, faid, Men and went to occaíìon other Mens error or deceit, is brethren, I have lived in all good con- not alwaysa fm. fcience beforeGod,-until this day. 7 And when he had fo faid, there a. 944. Did Passt perfecutewith a good Con- arofe a diffenfion between the Phari- fcience t Anfw. He went according to his Con- fees and the Sadducees : and the mul- fcience, though in finful ignorance. titude was divided. 8. For the Sad- 2.. And the high prieft Ananias ducesfay thatthere isnorefurredtion, commanded them that ftood by him, neither angel nor fpirit; but the Pha- ro fmite him on themouth. rifees confefsboth. 2. N te.Theu£ual Jufticeofproud Arch.priefts, S. How bad a State was the Jewifh Church in, who(èwill is inftead ofreafon and equity. when Men that believed no life but this, had 3. Then faid Paul unto him, God equal power with the Pelt in Priefthoodand Go- fhail finite thee, thou whited wall: vertunent! 2. What Hypocrites were thefel'hari- for fitteft thou ro judge me after the fees thatcould thus embody with damnable Here- ) ticks, and yetcould not endureChriftians, butfi- law, and commandedt me tobe fmit- fenced and murdered them like the Papift Pre- ten contrary to the law ? 4. And they lates, who can endure yews and Atheifts, while that [toad by, laid, Revileft thou they burn or Glence Proteftants. God's high prieft ? 9. And there arofe a great cry : 3. Note. Thegroin injuftíce of the Arch.prieft and the (tribes that were of thePhart- is not blamed by them, but Paul taken as criminal fees part arofe, and [trove, Paying, for reproving ir. We find rio evil in this man : but if S. Then laid Paul, I wift not, bre- a fpirir or an angel hath fpoken to thren, that he was the high prieft: him, let us not fight againft God. For it iswritten, Thou (halt not fpeak 9. Note. See how partiality will change Mens evil of the ruler ofthy people. judgment, according to the intereft cfapartyor q. Note. Same think thatPaul confeffeth him- fa&ton. (elfguilty of rafhnefs or psilion: But others ea. I o. And when there arofe a great riser think that he fpake but Ironically, .Ananiar diffenlon, the chief captain fearing being indeed no High Prieft but an Ufurper : left Paul fhould have been pulled in but yet it was not prudencefor Paul openly to fay lb: q. d. II knew not that he was the true High. pieces ofthem, commanded the foul- Priel, for hewas not: and I confefs it a Sin to diersto godown, and to takehim by revile Rulers,for it is forbidden Bet it's no fin force from among them, and to bring to vindicate innocency, and declare the unrightee- hull inCO theCaftle. a I. And the night 3abefs of Oppreflbrs, and Propheticallytto fore. following