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Ch.23. g Confiraey again.; Paul. The Ass. He is fens toFelix. Ch.2.3: 16. Note, I. No Confpiracies are kept ferret from God, who can deted and fruftrare them. a. No doubt but thefeMen that could Vow to fatisfie rage, did break it rather than famifh. 22. So the chief captain then let the young mandepart, and charged him, See thou tell no man that thouhaft{hewed thefe things to me. 23. And he called unto hiul two centurions, laying, Make ready two hundred fouldiers to go to Cefarea, and horfemen threefcore and ten, and fpear- men two hundred, at the third hour ofthe night. 24. And provide them bèafts, that they may Cet Paul on, and bring him fafe unto Felix the governour. Note. ThusGod railed forces of Heathens to defend his Servant. ze. And he wrotea letter after this man- ner: z6. Claudius Lphas, unto the molt excellent Governor Felix, fendeth greet - ing. 27. This manwas takenof the Jews, and {hould have been killedofthem : then came I with an Army, and refcuedhim, having underftood that he was a Roman. 28. And when I would have known the caufe wherefore they accúfed him, 7i brought him forth into their council : 29. Whom I perceived to heaccufed ofquefti- ono oftheir law, butt, have nothing laid to his chargeworthy of death or of bonds. 3o. And when it was told me, how that the Jews laid wait for the man, I fènt him ftraightway to thee, and gave cominand- tnent to his accufers alto, to fay before thee what they had again - him. Farewel. Note. This Colonel, that by a band ofSddiers refcued him; fudgeth him guíltlefs as to the Roman Law. 3 i., Then the fouldiers, as it was com's manded them, tookPaul andbrought him by night toAntippatris. 32. On the morrow theyleftthehorfemen to gowithhilt, and returned to the caftle. 3 ;. Who when they came to. Cefarea, and delivered the epiftle to the governour, prefented Paul alto before him. 34. And when the gover- nour hadread the letter, he asked of what province he was. And when heunderftood thathewas ofCilicia; 35. I will hear thee, laid he, when thineaccufers are allo come. Andhe commandedhim to be kept in He- rod's judgment-hall:, 3s. Note. A place railed Ierod's Hall:'Not that he was there. Thus God carried onPaul to- wardRomo to fulfil his Will and Word. following,theLord ftood byhim, and faid, Be of good cheer, Paul : for as thou haft teftifiedofme in Jerufalem, fo muft thou bear witnefs alto at Rome. Ii. Note, God's encouragementsaccompany his commands and fairhfal Cervice. 12. Andwhen it was day, certain ofthe Jews banded together, and bound them- felves under a curie, laying, that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul. 1a. Note, Seeing the Pharifees now fpake for rim, it Items all or sooft ofthere furious men Were Sadducees ; who were then the flrongeft Party. And even to this day, thole that believe nó life to come, are the moft cruel Enemies of Believers: and what fhould dererr firth from bloody Vows, Confpiracice and Perjuries, when yet only Devilifh malice doth provcitethem? 13. And they were more then fourty which had made this confpiracy. t4. And they came to the chief priefts and elders, andfaid, We have bound our felvei under a great curie, that we will eat nothing un- tiIwe have Main Paul. 15. Now therefore ye with the council, lignifie to the chief Captain, that he bring him downunto you to morrow, as though ye would enquire fomething morepettedly concerninghim: and we, or ever he come near, are ready to kill him. 13. 0what a Clergy was this, that muttbead a confederacy ofmurdering Sadcucees.! 16. And when Paul's filters fonheardof their lying in wait, he went andentred in- tothe cattle, and told Paul. 15. Then Paul called one ofthe centurions unto him, and {aid, Bring this young man unto the chief captain : for he hath a certain thing to tell him.-18. Sohn took him, andbrought him tothe chief captain, and Paid, Paul the pri. loner called me tinto him, And prayed me to bring this young man unto thee, who barb fomething to fay unto thee. 19. Then the chief captain took him by the hand, and went with him Miele privately, and asked him, What is that thou haft to tell me? 20. And he Paid, The Jews have a- greed to defire thee, that thou wouldeft bringdownPaul to morrow into the coun- cil, as though they would enquireCome- what ofhimmore perfe&ly. a1. But do not thou yield unto them: for there lit in wait for him of them mo then fourty men, which have bound themfelveswithan oath that they will neither eat nor drink till they have killed him : and now are they ready, looking for apromise fromdace- X r CH-Ai' .