Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 2.1. Paul accufed, C H A P. XXIV. r. ANdafter five days, Ananias the .e 1 high prieft defcendedwith the elders, and with a certain oratour named Tertullus, who informed the governour againft Paul. r. Note. Tertullus was the malignant Lawyer or Oiator, who was to plead their chargeagainft Pars/gnat ofmeer malice,at leaft for hisFee.The Accuíàtion is given in, and hotly profecuted by the High Prieft and Elders: Dr. Hammond thought that the word tEldetsl in the Chriftian Church never fignifred any but. Bifhrps (fuch as we now call Diocefane.) And it is undoubted that the Church borrowed that Title from the yews Elders, and therefore meant Come frmilitude of Offices (allowing thedifference of materials and Law.) And then it would follow thatthe 3enit El- ders that wade their Council, were the Jews Bifhops offeverai diftant Cider, gathered together at Jerufalcm : And fo, that it was theyews Arch- bitltop and all the Bifhops under him, that were thefe malignant Diabolical Acculera and Perfeai- rors: But the 7ewiihElders were not fuch City- Mifhops, but a Conjun&ion ofLaymen and Priefts in a fupreme Council at 7erafalem, and inferior Councilsin Cities, where wereSynagogues. 2. Andwhen hewas called forth, Tertullus began toaccufehim,faying, Seeing that by thee we enjoy great quietnefs, and that veryworthy deeds are done unto this nation by thy pro- vidence, 3. Weaccept it always, and and in all places, molt noble Felix, with all thankfulnefs. 2, ;. Towin the Judge by flattery, bath ever, by falle Accufers, been taken for the fureft way for fuccefs. 4. Notwithftanding, that I be not further tedious unto thee, I pray thee, that thou wouldeft hear us of thycle- mency a few words. 5. For we have found this man a peftilent fellow, and a mover of fedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a Ring-leader of the feat of the Naza- renes. $ We have found this Man a very plague, &e. Nate. This part of the Accufation se, I. In ge- neral, that he was a very walking Peftilence: Q what Diaboiifn is it to judge thus of the Preach- ers of Love, and Mercy, andSalvation! 2. Par- ticularly. I. Amover of Sedition among all the Jems through the RomanEmpire : So Chriftian R,fsrtnariou mutt be sake¢ tgd:ttort tolist up The Ads. by Tertullus. Ch. 24.. Rulers againft It, as Defenders of-the common Peace: And this to Felix wasa Potent Argument, for he had been put to conquer and deftroy one Eleazar, that came out ofEgypt as apretended Prophet, and gathered an Army of Seditious Cut- throats that endangeredthe Peace. 2. Thefecond accufationwas, that he wasa Leader ofa Se&or Schifra, callingthe ChriftiansNazarenes in (corn, fromNazarethwhere Chrift dwelt. 6. Who allo hath gone about to profane the temple : whomwe took, and would have judged according to our law. 6. The third part of the Accufation was pro- phaningthe Temple: Note, Would not chef! In- fidels be thought Holy Men : They wefe aealous for Temple, Law and Ceremonies, againft Chri- ftianity, Holinefs, Innocency, and the lives of the beft of Men, 7.Butthechief captainLyfascame' uponus, and with great violence took him away out of our hands, 7. Note, To fave the innocent from the vio- lence of wicked Priefts, is accufed as violence e ven in a Governour. 3. Commanding his accufers to come unto thee : by examining of whom, thy felf mayeft take know- ledgeofall thefe things, whereofwe accule him. 9. And the Jews allo af- fented, faying, that thefe things were fo. 8, 9 Note, Seeing the judgments of Men arefo contrary, that he is a feditious Plague and Se&a- ry to one, that is one ofthe belt on earth to-a- nother t Alas, how !hall the People know who to believe? TheHiftories ofLiarsare ftufft with lies: And how can Strangers and Pofterity knowwho were the Liars ? This is a great (hake, tothe cre- dit of moft Hiftory. But the hatersofHolinefs are feldom to be believed. i o. ThenPaul, after that the go- vernour had beckened unto him to fpeak,anfwered,Forafmuch as Iknow that thou haft been of many years a judgeunto this nation, I do the more cheerfully anfwer for my felf ; I I. Becaufe that thou mayeft underftand, that there are yet but twelvedaysPince went up toJerufalem for to worship. ro. Thou knowèft their cuftoms, had I been fuch a one as they arcule me to be, what fhould move me to come fo far from other Countrics,but twelve days ago, to keep the Feaft ofFantseofi, and to worlhip at Jcraaf:dew. ra. And