Ch. 24. Paul's Apology. 'The Ads. Felix trembleth. Ch. 24. I z. And they neither foundme in the temple difputing with any man, neither railing up the people, neither in the fynagogues, nor in the city : 13. Neithercan they prove the things whereof they now accule me. 12. I was only worthipping in the Temple, and deny that I did any thing to move Sedition, as theyaccule me. 14. But this I confers unto thee, that after the way which they call herefie, fo worfhip I the God ofmy fathers, believingall things which are written in the law and the prophets. t 4 I am not efhamed ro own it, that i wor. Chip God as a Chrifian, in theway that they call a Herefie or Sea; for I believe the Law and the Prophets whoteach it me. t S. And have hope towards God, which they themfelvesalto allow,that there !half be a refurretion of rjie dead, both ofthe juft and unjuft. t f. TheRefurre&ionofChrift confirmeth my beliefofthe Refiure&ion ofthe dead, &c. Note, r. The Do&nine ofa Refurre&ion of the jua only, was-nor then owned by the zeros. a. it kerns by this time theMargin joyned in his the uttermoft of your matter. Perfecution, though before they excufed him in contentionwith theSadrlucees. 22. He laid, when I have got amore perfe& 16. And herein do I exercife my knowledge of this wayofChriaianity, and how felt to have always a confcience void far it Cs againa your Law, and when I have fpoke, with Colonel Lyfias ofthe Tumults, I will judge ofoffence toward God, and toward the mule, whi,h yct I cannot do. men. z3. And he commanded a centu- & if they have found any evil doing in me, while I flood before the council, zI. Except it be for this one voice, that I cried ftanding among them, Touching the refurretion of the dead, I am called inqueftion byyou . this day. 20. As to any thing that I did in the Council let them wiméfs what theycan againa me : They have nothing to charge mewith, but that I aid, touching the Refurre&ionof the dead, I am4- cured : I meant Chrift's Refurre&ion as the caufe and pledge ofours. Note. Some think that Paul here confeffeth it a fault, that he equivocated to let them together by the Ears, as being an a&of Carnal Wifdom, and anobfcuring ofhis confefiion of Chrift. But molt Expofìtorsrather think that he fpake this i- ronically, asifhe hadlaid, unlefs they will make it a fault, that I laid, I am called in queftionabout the Refurre&ion, they can charge mewith none there. zz. And when Felix heard thefe things, having more perfei`t "know ledge of that way, he deferred them, and faid, When Lyfias the chiefcap-` tain !hall come down, I will know 1C And in this hopes ofa Refurre ton andthe rion to keepPaul, and to lethim have Chriftian Faith, mydailycare and exerciCe is, to keep my felfftom offending God or Man by any liberty,and that he fhould forbid none fin, that my Now may not be myAccufèr, of his acquaintance to minifter or 17. ow after many years, I come unto him. came to bring alms to mynation, and offerings 37. To bring Alms and Offerings is no pro. phanenefs or (edition, err. 18. Whereupon certain Jews from Af a found me purified in the temple, neither with multitude, nor with tu- mult. 1 q. Who ought to have been here before thee, and objet, if they had ought againft me. 18, as. The( .44aa 7.w; falily thougjar that I had brought Trophimus into the Temple : And it being 'they that are the Crft Accu.ers and Wit- Re4fes, they thoúld have been here. zo. Ur elfe let thefe fame here fay, 23. To feçure him as aPrifoner at large. 24. Arid after certain days, whet: Felix carne with his wife Drufilla, which was a Jewels, he lent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Chrift. 25. And as he reafoned of righteoufnefs, temperance, and judg- ment to come, Felix trembled, and anfwered, Go thy way for this time ; when I have a convenient feafon, I will call for thee. 24,' i. Nits. Felix is noted by the Riftorians of chofe times to be fpecially guilty of twocrimes ; Lüuftice through Covetoufneg, and Incontinence, taking another Man's Wife: (this Drafilia the X Vied