Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 25. Paul left bound. The A&s. Paul appealeth toCefar.Ch.2g; Nieceof.dntbony and Cleopatra.) And fo theSub- flood round about, and laid many jz&moved hisconfcience to makehim trambte. andgrievous com taints a ainfl Patíl, Note. O the f rength offin that will'ive, even W igh they could not g when Men tremble for fear ofJudgment ! prove.- 8. z6. He hoped alfo that money Whilehe anfwered for himfelf, IVei Mould have been given him of Paul, ther againft the lawofthe Jews, nei- that h° might Toole him : wherefore ther againft the temple, no yet a- he fent for him the oftner, and corn- gainf Cc-far, have I offended any inuned with him. thing at all. 26. Note. All his trembling overcameno the 7. the Diabolifts did pretend that he broke . love of Money. Money is the worldlings great their Law, profaned their H'ly Temple, and di- Mediator. fiurbed the peace, as a seditious breaker ofCeßtrs 27. But after two years, Porcins Law: All which he denied and they could not Feftus cameinto Fells prove: room and Fe- Nute lt;ftrange that the Oevil had not attain- Willing to fhew the Jews a plea- ed to what he bath done in this Age, to enabk' fare, left Paul bound. them toprove any thingby perjured Wirnefies, 27. His carnal refpeE3s to Man and Fame, and 9. But Fetus willing to do the to pleafe the malicious zeros, prevailed ag,a`uft his JcwS a plealtu'e, anfwered Paul, and Confcience, and he leaves Paul a Prifoner to be ,aid, Wilt thangel up to Jerutalem, judged by Fe(!ua his Succeffor, when Paá.l had be ere and th of there things been two yearskept a Prifoner. judged before me ? C H A P. XXV. v. The pleating of the pricfts and multitude be-. ing note to the Ruler's carnal Intereft, than do- T.?äTCfw when Feftus was come ni luftiçefor one pourman, hewould thus have into the province, after three facrtriced him to then days he aCcended from Cefarea to Je- I o Then Paid Paul I íland of Ce- rufaIem. 2 Then the highprieít,and far's judgment fear, where I ought to the chief of the Jews informedhim be Judged : to the Jews have I done againft Paul, and belought him, 3. no wrong,as thou very well knoweft. And defired favour againit him, that i I, For if I be an offender, or have he would feud for him to Jerufalem, committedany thing worthyofdeath, laying wait in the way to kill him. I refute not to die : but if there be i, 2, 3. Themalicious Priefls and Ruler; coat¡- none of chele things whereof there nue their murderousdefign, andcannot getà hua accule me, no man may deliver me thenRuler to hefbbad as they. unto them. I appeal unto Celar. A. But Feflus anfwered, that Paul Ia. Note. Having the Roman puvileges he Mould be kept at Cefarea, and that ;Hpht appeal m' the Römän Laws, which then he himfelf would depart fhortly tbi- had riot condemned Chrifrianity, But doubtlefs ther. g. Let them therefore, laid he, chnf eá1er tlotbe faced b1 Heathens, than tolbe which among you are able, go down murdered by nas. As at this day he ritat had with mn,änd accule this man, if there rather he fauedfromm.uileabyalfaGórneran chat, be any wickednels in him. 6. And Murdered orTormented by a Papift, fhallbefaid when he had téeried among them to be for Mabometejm. And here let them that b grudge at Chrift; for requiring us to deny our more then ten days, he went down lives for him and for the Heavenly reward, con unto Cefarea, and the next day fittino Trier that evenChurch-Tyrants require as much, in the Judgment -fear, CÓininarideCl and that for nothing, without ally filch reward: Ifunder their Irquifitior , or other Perfecuüons, Paul to be brought. Men do but, as every living Creature will do, ç. Afcerten days he went down and theywith {trine to efcape their malice and to live, and do not die without any reln&ancy, they call them 7.And when he was come,theJews Rebels; yea, ifthey do but groan and complain, tvhiçh came down Jcrufaleln, ít goeth onto feel when they are bm't; when it is the holy Church that cloth it: aril! cloth