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Ch. 2,5'. Paul brought The Abts. before fgrippa. Ch. 2.5: Both not thus condemn fenfe and natural Love of ther he would go to Jerufalelr7, and Life, in hishardeft lawsof felfdenyai. there be judged of thefe matreís. 21. 12. Then Feftus when he had con- But when Paul had appealed to be ferred with the council, anfwered, relerved unto the hearing of Augu- Haft thou appealed untoCefar ? unto ftus,I commanded him to be kept till Cefar thalt thou go. I might fend him to Cefar. x2. Note. They might have conftrained him to ao. I would have had him tryed by the 7etvs be judged there: but Godover-ruledR, to fpecad who underftood their own Law, &c. abroad the Gofpe!. 22. Then AgrippaPaidunto Feftus, 13. And after certain days, king I would alfo hear the man my fell. Agrippa and Bernice came unto Ce To morrow, fait he, thou thalt hear farea to falute Feftus. 14. And when him. 23. And on the morrow when they hadbeen there many days, Feftus declared Paul's caute unto the king, Agrippa was come, and Bernice, with faying, There is a certainman left in great pomp, and was éntred into the bonds by Felix: 15. About whom, place of hearing, with the chief cap- when I was at Jerulalem, the chief tains, and principal men of the city, priefts and the elders ofthe Jews in- brought at Feftus commandment Paul was formed me, defying to have judgment rppa, andall And nwhich laid, rr againft him. here prefent with us ye fee this man, 13. Note. Thistrippa was the Sonofthat He- Pad that was eaten to death byWorms, and Ber. about whom all themultitude of the nice was his sifter, the Wifeof Polemon Kingof Jews havedealt with me, both at Je- CCehcth who left her Husband and lived with this rufalem, and alto here, crying that he 16. To whom I anfwered, It is ought nor to live any longer. not the manner of the Romans to de- s4. Ntc. The lives ofGod's heft Servants are a griefto the Malignauts. liver any man to die before that he 25. But when I found that he had which is accufed, have the accufers committed nothing worthy of death, face to face, and have licence to an- and that he himfelf hath appealed to fwer forhimfelfconcerning the crime Auguftus, I have determined to fend Iaid againft him. him. e6. The yewsflt Religious Tyrants had over- 25. Note. Ni hat an odious fcandal did thefe come and raftoffthis LawofNature, which the Priefts cart on God's Law, tomake it Itemworfe Heathens kept. than Heathen; Laws 17. Therefore when they were 26. Of whom I have no certain comehither,without any delay on the thing to write untomy lord. Where- morrow I fat on the judgment-feat, foreÌ have brought him forth before and I commanded the man to be you, and fpecially before thee O brought forth. a 8. Againft whom kingAgrippa, that after examination when the accufers flood up, they liad, I might have fomewhat to write. brought none accufation of filch 27. For it feemeth to me unreafona-- things as I fuppofed : 19. But had ble to fend a rifoner, and not with- certain queftions againft himof their all to fignifielthe crimes laid against own fuperftition, and of one Jefus, him. which was dead, whom Paul affirm 26. Note. Juftice is a part of the Lawof Na. ed to be alive. rurc known to all. 17, 18, ty. Nate. Thefe things he made light of; as nor underftandina them. C H A P. XXVI. 2o. And becaufeI doubted offuch z. "fHen Agrippa Paid unto Pail, manner of gnettions,I asked himwhe- Thou art permitted to (peak X 4 ter