Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 26. Pauldeclareth The Aas. his Converfion Ch. 26. for thy felf. Then Paul ftretched them. 3. And afterward the Ifraelites Country forth the hand, and anfwered for wanting fome Inhabitants, the yews by degrees himfelf. poffeffed muchoftheir Country. And the fpeech of the Samaritan Woman, yohn 4. Sheweth I. Note, k was thecuaom by the motion of that they commonly expeled Chrifì to come, the hand to give notice when one was beginning and tell themall things. to (peak, toprocure fdent audience.' 8. Why should it -be thought a 2. I think my felf happy, king thing incredible with you, that God Agrippa, becaufe I ¡hall anfwer for mould raife the dead ? my (elf this day before thee, touch- 8. The great point ofour Controverfhe now is, ing all the things whereof I am ac- Whether Chrift rote from the Dead ? And why cufed of the Jews 3. Efpecially, mould this feem an incredible thingto you ? Is becaufe I know thee to be expert in it toohard for God who upholdeth all theWorld, p andgiveth life to all that live? all cuftoms and queftions which are 9. I verily thought with my felf among theJews: wherefore Ibefeech 'that I ought todo many things con- thee tohear me atientl . P Y trary to the name of Jefus of Ná- s. It's a great favour for Great men fo much zareth. as to hearan innocent good Man (peak for himfelf. 4. My manner of life from my 9. I once was of your mind, and did not on- ly fetlight by the Name of Jefus, but thought I youth, which was at the firft among ought to let my felfagainft it, and oppofe them mineown nation at Jerufalem, know that Preached ánd Profeffed it. all the Jews, 5. Which knew me ro. Which thing I alfo did in Je- from the beginning, (if they would rufalem and many of the faints did teftifie) that after the molt ftraiteft I ¡hut up in prifon, having received feet of our religion, I lived a Phari- authority fromthe chiefpriefts ; and fee. 6. And now I Rand and am when they were put to death, I gave judged for the hope of the promife myvoice againft them. made of God unto our fathers : 7 Saints. to. In this blindnefs I was a Perfecutorof the Untowhichpromifi our twelve tribes inftantly ferving God day and night, very r. And I andc oft in e- hope to come: for which hopes fake, gue, and compelled elcee them to blafpheme ; and being exceeding- king Agrippa, I am accufed of the ly mad against them, I perfecuted Jews. them evenunto ftrange cities. 4. Note, He fuppofeth .Agrippa acquainted r r. Nsrr Whether Paul prevailed with any the yewlb affairs, of their expeaation of y the Mefiah, and the, Preaching of. Chriffianit to BlafphemeCbrilt,chrong't fear, or only endea- and the lairs about it. And if the hopes of a voured it, is uncertain. a. He nowknew that Mefliah be Sedition, all the ews are guilt of his Perfecution was from exceeding madnefs ,when it, that pray fur it continually..£"ff. DidYthe yet before he souk ir for liis duty ?'So blind are Ten Tribespray tor it. who were carriedaway Perfecutors Judgments. by the .Ajfyrians, and Idolaters put in their .I 2': Whereupon as I went to Da- Country. ? .Anfw. t. In inch Captivating Tran- mafcus, with authority and com- fplantatíotic, they never parry away all the poor million from the chief riefts. 13. Ar People that muffTill the Ground, but the Rulers, mid-day, king, great Men, and Men ofNote .elfe it , , 1 l in the way faw be the Conquerors lofsr So it hall been a light from heaven, above the here, at the Conquefis made by the Roma»s, brightnefsof the fun,lhining round a- Saxens and Danes and 1urmana : The greater number ofthe Country People flill fold as Te. bout me, and them which journeyed Lanus or. Servants to the Conquerors. 2. The with me. 14. And when we were Neighbourhood of the yews, did by degrees all fallen to the earth, I heard a voice Marne away much of the Idolatry: of the ?Ira- ., eakln unto me and fa in in the citrus: Asyf Hs power extended to pull down p g r Y g their Idol:: and Altars, and burn loess boner on Hebrew tongue, Saul, Saul, why per-