Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. i6. Paul declareth The perfecutéft thou me ? It is hard for thee tokick againft the pricks. 12, I was convinced by this Miracle and voice from Heaven -- Ignorant man?° Doft thou know whom thou perfecuteft and why ? .It will prove to thee hilt like fpuraing arThorns with thy bare feet, Note, Here we find that all Passl'; Company fell to the ground with him, which is flot Men- tioned, Chap. 9, or 22. 15. And i faid, Who art thou, Lord ? And he faid, I am Jefus whom thou perfecuteft. s. It is me in my caufe and fervants that thou Perfecuteft. 16. But rife, and ftand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpofe,. to makethee a mi- nifter and a witnefs both of there things which thou haft Peen, and of thofe things in the which I will ap- pear unto-thee; 16. My appearing to thee is to make thee a Preacher of that thou haft Perfecue d; to wit- nefs What thou now haft fees, and what I :hall further tell thee by my Spirit and Works. 19. Delivering thee from the peo- ple, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I fend thee. i S. To o- pen their eyes, and to turn them from darknefs to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgivenefs of fins, and inheritance among them which are land ified by faith that is in me. 17, 18. Delivering thee both from the Bros andGentiles, to whomnow Ccommand thee to Preach ; to open. the byes that are blinded- in profs Ignorance and Idolatry, and to turn them from chat darknefs to the light of the laving knowledge of God and their Redeemer ; from the Power ofSatan,whom they ferve by fin, to the Belief, Love and Obedience of God , that they mayhereupon receive the forgivenefs ofall their pail fins, and right to theinheritanceamong the San&ifled : Which is here begun in Holinefs and Communion with Good and his Saints, and hereafter perfeâed in Glory ; and all this bybelieving, erufling and obeying me, and my Gotpel, (or by beingChriftian,). Note, There words were omitted by Lake, in Chap. 9. a a. Here is a Promife ro be ttulled, and a Command to be obeyed. 19. Whereupon, O King Agrip- pa, I was not dtfobediént unto the heavenly vifion Aas. bit Converfion. Ch. .6. 19. I -did not, I durst not Rebel againft Inch a Villein and a Command fromHeaven. 7.0. But ¡hewed firft unto them of Damafcus, and at Jerufalem, and throughout all the coafts of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, that they fhould repent and turn to God, and do works meet forrepentance. ao. And the Gofpel which I Preached at Da mafsas, &c. is, That men fliould Repent andturn to God, and thew the frncerity of their`Re en- tance by a Holy, Righteous, Charitable and 'So- ber Life, (and all this inhope ofGlory, purcha- fed and pronged by Chrift who thus rentme.) 2i. For thefe caufes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me. 21. This is the true caufewhy the Yews would have killed me, as cròfiingtheir unbelief, 2z. Having therefore obtained help ofGod,1 continue unto this day, witneiling both to (mall and great, laying none other things then thofe which the prophets and Mofes did fay fhould come: 13. That Chrift fliould fuffer, and that he fhould be the firft that ¡Mould rife from the dead, and fhould ¡hew light unto the peo- ple, and to the Gentiles. 22. God huh kept me through many dan- gers to this day, while I teflife this Gofpel toall, which is but what was Prophefied that Chrift fhould dye for our fins, and rife from death and Convert theGene,l::s, 24. And as he thus fpake for him- fell, Feftus Paid with a loud voice, Paul, -thou art betide thy fell: much learning doth make thee mad. 24. Thou art a crazed Fanatick : much Learn. ing or Bookifhnefs bath diftradted thee. z . But he Paid, I am not mad, rrioft noble Feftus ; but fpeak forth the words of truth and fobernefs. z6. For the king knoweth of thefe things,before whom alto I fpéak fre- ely : for I am perfiiaded that none of there things are hidden from him : for this thing was not done ina corner. n;, 26.1 am not mad, but fobetly fpeak that truth which I fitppofe the King knoweth-; I do not think thatthe fame ofChrift's Miracles;Death and Relsuiedticn, no nor of this V ifion ofmine íb