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C.a.8. The Barbarianskintlnefs. TheA&s. Paul bealeth many. Ch.2,8. 4x. And the fouldiers counfel was to kill . great while, and faw no harm come theprifoners, leftany of them fhould fwim to him, they changed their minds, out andefcape. and faid that he was a god. 4z. Note. Left they fhould have been punilhed S. Note. So mutable is vulgar Judgment, for letting them efcape, they would have killed 7. In the fame quarters werepof- But the centurion willing to fve fefflons of the chief man of the Ifland, au kept them from their them. 4 a whole name was Publius who re- commanded that they which couldfwim, ceived us and lodged us three days should caft themfelves firft into the fea, courteoufly.8.And it cameto pats that and get to land : 44. And the reft, fomeon the father of Publius lay tick ofa fe- boárds, and tome on broken pieces of the y fhip : And fo itcame to pats, that theye- ver, andof a bloody flux : to whom (aped all fafe to land. Paul entred in, and prayed, and laid 4.Nate. Godgave themtheir lives for a prey. his hands on him, and healed him. 9. CHAP. XXVIII. So when this was done, others alto N which haddifeafes in the Ifland,came, i . ANd when they were efcaped, and were healed : r o. Who alto ho- then they knew that the Ifland noured us with many honours, and was called Melita, .. And the barba- when we deparred,they ladedus with sous people chewed us no little kind- fuch things as were neceffary. nefs : for they kindled a fire, and re- 7. Note. If we could pray as Paul did, and ceived us every one, becaufe of the heal all theSickby it: xefl.Whether men would relent rain, and becaufe of the cold. imprifon for íe r 1nfm. The k t or the healed p f Note. There are two Ìflands of this Name. would doti but rés did. that ewifh Pricfte And it is a Controverfiewhich is meant : But Be- would do it r for fo they did. z.a and others thew great probability that it is I r And after three months we de- 1 4 Maltha, now potfelTed by Chriftians, parted in a (hip ofAlexandria, which as a Fort againfl the Turks. had wintred in the ilk whofe figs 3. And when Paul had gathered was Caftor and Pollux. I2. And a bundle of flicks, and laid them on landing at Syracufe, we tarried there the fire, therecame a viper out of threedays. 13. And from thence we ,the heat, and faftened on his hand. fet a compafs, and carne to Rhegium s. Note. Not that Patti carried the .Adder or and after one day the fouth-wind Viper among the flicks into a Chimney a but they made the tire in Tome open Place where the ad. blew, and we came the next day to der, lay, and was forced out by the heat. Pureoli : r 4. Where we found bre- d. And when the barbarians faw thren, and weredefined to tarry with the venomous beaft hang onhis hand, them leven days : and fowe went to- they laid among themfelves, No ward Rome. doubt this man is a murderer, whom t4. Note. It appeareth by this that th_ Gofpe! though he hath efcaped the fea, yet had been received before Paul's coming thither, vengeance fuffereth not to live, in the ¡caba,, Country about Rome. Whetlicrthefe 4. Note. Even thefe itorharians believed God Brethren entertained allthe Soufdies, and Yelio, m be the Revenger of Mu lee : And yet the ners (even days, orPaul and his Companyonly, ¡'ricifs took the murder of Chrilt and his Difci- as trotted by the Centurion to come aferham, as plea for a Meritorious work, and zealouflypur_ uncertain. fuel it- 15. And from thence, when the 5. And he (hook off the beaft into brethren heard of ùs, they came to the fire, and felt no harm. 6. How- meer us as far as Appiiforum, and then beit they looked whenhe fhould have Three taverns: whom when Paul fwollen, or fallen down dead fud- faw, he thankedGod, and took cou- denly : but after they had looked a rage. a5. Noteo