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Ch. 2.8: Paul Preacheth The Aas. at Í2om Ch. z,$'. 15. Note, By this itappeareth alto that Past found a Church in Rome. No doubtthefe Brethren lived not without Affembling to worship God, being then not forbidden. But who firft brought Chriftianitythither, or Planted a Church,or was their firft Paftor, no Hiftory tellsus ; but it's moli probable that it was neither Peter one Paul. Circumbances have perfwaded me, that Chrifti- anity came firft into England by Chriftian Soldi- ers that were in the Roman Army, (fuch as built the Church called St. Martins near Canterbury, which Bala mentioneth.) And it is more proba- ble that fuch as Csrnelius being Converted inJu- dea, and having their dependance on Rome, and bufinefs there, were like to be the firft introdu- cers of Chriftianity there. (As fuch were in Helvetia,) 16. And whenwe came to Rome, the centurion delivered the prifoners to the captain of the guard : but, Paul Was fuffered todwell by himfelf, with afoldier that kept him. 16. One Soldier was his Guard. 17. And it came to pats, that- af- ter three days, Paul called the chief ofthe Jews together. And when they were come together, he laid unto them, Men and brethren, though I have committed nothing againft the people, or cuftoms of our fathers, yet was I delivered prifoner from Je- rufalem into the hands of the Ro- mans. 18. Who whenthey had ex- amined me, would haveYet me go, becaufe there was no caufe of death inme. 19. But when the Jews fpake againft it, I was conftrained to ap- peal unto Cefar ; not that I had ought to accule my nation of. 17. Note, Though Paul Preached againft the Gentile fubje&ion to Moss's Law, yet to the Jette he only fpake againft the impofing it asne- ceffaryon others, and againft itsjuftifyutg Pow- er without Chrift. 19. I appealed in my own neceffary Defence, and not as an Acaefer of the Jews, 2o. For this caufe therefore have I called for you, to feeyou, and to fpeakwithyou : becufe that for the hope of Ifrael I am bound with this chain, so, It is for Preaching that ,Mab who bath long been expeaed andpreyed for, as the Hope of [frael, that I .tg Cotae bithee a Pti(oner in thio 02111v 21. And they Paid unto him, We neither received letters out of Judea concerning thee, neither any of the brethren that came, (hewed or fpake any, harm of thee. 22. But wedefire to hear of thee what thou thinkeft : for as concerning this fecet, weknow that every where it is fpoken againft. 21. We have had no Acctifarionofthee: but that we may beable to judge of thee,, we would hear thee our felves. what it is that thou holdeft and teach/ft. For Chriftians are every where fpoken againft, as an evil Sept. Note, He that would knowhow far to regard 'common fame againft any may or parry, muff knowwhat fort of prcple they be that report it, whether Men of truth, fobriety and confcíenée, or dehaucht, ungodly, malignant fcoundreto And by what motives they are let on work, whetherby God's word and will, or by Carnal interefts, and flattery of Goat and ungodly Worldlings, or enmity to Holy Marine and Practice: And what Evidence they give to prove. their Accufations. 23. And when they had appoint- ed him a day, there came many to him into his lodging ; to whom he expounded and tefified the kingdom of God, perf*ading them concern- ing Jefus,' both out of the lawofMo- fes, and our of the prophets, from morningtill evening. 23. He proved to themout of the Law and Prophets, that Chrift,was the Mtffiah, wl-ofe Kingdom is fpirimal, and is now begun, as fore- told,; upon his Aefurre&ion and Afienfion, and gatheringan Univerfal Church by the Miracles Gifts and, Grace of theHoly Ghoft. 24. And Tome believed the things which were fpoken, and fonte be- lieved not. 25. And when they a- greed not among then-delves, they departed, after that Paul had fpoken one word, Well fpake the holyGhaft by Efaias the prophet, unto our fa- thers, 26, Saying,,Go unto this peo- ple, and fay, Hearing ye fhall hear, and (hall not underftand;- and teeing ye Mall fee, and not perceive. 27. For the heart ofthis people is waxed grófs, and their earsare dull cf hear- ing and their eyes have they clofed ; left