Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

The Introdutiion to theEpifile to the Romans. II. TheAdverfaries of their Stability, and his Defign, whom he noted), are, 1. The Roman Heathens, efpecially the Learned fort. z. EfpeciaUy the Jews, and the Judas zing Chriftians. 3. Some Erroneous Heretical Chriftians, who are inclined both to Li- bertinifm, and to Divifions. III. TheErrours oppofed by himwert, I. TheHeathens, who while they Rol-tied the Faith ofa Crucified Chrift, {hewedhow little theywere to be regarded, by their Sins again[( the Light ofNature. II. The Jews had all thefe following Errours : 1. BecaufeGod had madethem a pe- culiar People, by fpecial Privileges and Proanifes, they were over-proud of it, as if they had been theonly Servants that Godhad in the World, and that none but Jews and their Profelytes were faxed. z. And fo, that theirLaw was to be received by all the World. - 3. That this Law, given to, and by Mofer, for their Government as a peculiar Re- publick, was foexcellent, becaufe thus Divine, that the keeping of it was the fufficient and only way ofSalvation. q. Herein they overlook'd the Promifewhichwas before the Law, and prefuppofed in the Law, as its Foundation, and its very Life ; both the Common Promifemade to lapfed Mankind in Adam and Noah, and the fpiritual part of theSpecial Promife made to Abraham. a. And they overlook'd the frgnification of their Types and Ceremonies ; and look'd at the Law meerly as a Law of Works, re- warding or unifhing for thedoing or not doing it. S. Therefore theymiftook the prt+mifed Mffiate to be a King of David'sLine, who was to reftore their Commonwealth, and fitbdue the Nations to it, and rule them in earthlyGlory by that Law; and fo made him fubfervient toMofei's Law, as to be re- ftoted by him. 6. And fo they thought that this Law mutt endure for ever, and that to talkof its abrogation was Blafphemy aggainst God. III. The Judaizing Chriftians conjoyned Chriftianity and the Law and thoá ht, that though Chrift's Miracles, Refurreélion, and Spirit proved him to be the Metah, whodied for their Sins, yet he came not to change their Law,butto eftahlifh it : And first, they were longbefore they could be convinced, that it was not neceflxfyto the Gentiles to beProfelytes to it : And when they were forced to grant that, they 1ä1l held, that it was necefîary to all the Jews. And therefore they kept up their Cere- monies, and feparated too far from the GentileChriftians : And the Gentile Chrifti- ans too muchdefpiled theft. IV. Betides thefe, there were force that Heretically took it to be a part of their ex- traordinary Knowledge, to hold, That Chriftianitydelivered Men not only from the Jews Law, but from fub'edlion toMen, and from neceffary ttridinefs in outward Aéfi- one : Arid they made a Party for thefe Opinions. V. The Apoftle, I. dealeth but briefly with the Heathens and arguerh againft them from their own. Errours and Crimes; 1. Telling .them of Z the Light of Nature, anti then of their odious Sins againft it; that the Chriftians might notisc moved by the fcornsand oppofitionof fuch a blinded uncapable fort of Adverfaries. II. But the chief Work ofhis Epiftle is to confute the Jews and. Judaizers, and toe, ftablifh theGentile Chriftians againft their Errours and Oppofition. To which end, he proveth all thefe things ; 1. That the Gentiles are not bound to receive the Lawof Moir, and become Jews. z. That they may be juftified and faxed by the Faithof Chrift, as well as the Jews. 3. That God foretold their Calling by the Prophets, and 41e Promife to 4brabam ex- tendedto them as the Spiritual Believing Seed or Children. 4. That if this were net true, none could be 'uf'eiffled or faved becaufe by the Deeds of the Law, as fuch; no man can be juffided. TheJews themfelves mull be juftified by Faith, or not at all. p. That the Law of Mores, as fuch, came long after the Promife, and theJuftificati- on of Abraham by Faith, and therefore could not null that Promife, or way of' Life. 6. That the Law requiredfuch a degree of Works, or ftriót Obedience, as no man kept ; and therefore none could be juftified by it. 7. That the Lawwas given but to the Jews, and God is not only theGod and Governour of the Jews, but of theGentiles aifo. S. That the Law forbiddeth Sin, and curfeth the Sin. ner, andcondemnethhim, and therefore cloth not juftifie him. 9. That the Law, as fuch, giveth not Grace and Strength to keep it, but fuppofeth Ability : But the Grace and Spirit of Chrift enableth. to That the Law by accident irritateth Lull an&