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Ch. r: Paulfheweth Romans. what his Gofpel is. Ch: r: 4, But the Power of God which owned him. by the Spirit of Holinefs, and his Refurreetion from thedead, did demonftrate-that he was not a timer Man, but God's own Son, Cent from Hear. ven, and miraculoufly.incarnate. 5. By whomwe have receivedgrace and apoftlefhip, for obedience to the faith among all nations for his name : 5; Bywhole own Heavenlymullion I received this favour and honour, to be his Cpccial Mellen_ gee, Pent tocall all Nations to believe and obey the Gofpel, and proclaim the GI tryofhis Name. 6. Among whom are ye alto the called ofJefus Chrift. 6. Ofwhom God bath vouchfafed you to be a part, being the calledfollowersofJefiis Chrift. 7. To all that be in Rome,beloved of God, called to be. faints Grace to you,and peace from God our. Father, and the Lord Jefus Chrift. 7. To all in Rome that are the belovedofGod called out of the World, into the Holy Chriftian Fare, I falote you by thisBenedifion and Prayer, That theGrace ofGod, our Father, ant the Lord. Jefus Chrift, and chat true Peace and welfare which is its.fpecial Fruity may be-yet-more up- on you. 8. Firff, I thank my God through Jefus Chrift for you all, that your faith is fpoken of throughout the whole world. 8. And first. I thank. my God throughJefus Chrift, that (as you dwell in thatCity which is Aloft eminent in the World, which is an advan- tage to the lustreand communicationofyourFaith, Co) your profeflion ofthat Faith is Co illuftrious, as to be famous throughout the Worts, 9. For Godd'is mywîtnefs,whom I ferve with toy spirit in the gofpel of his Son,, that without ceafìng I make mention of you always in my pray- ers, 1o. Making recluelt (if by any means now at length I might have a profperous journey by the will of God) to comeunto you. 9. For God, whom 1 ferve with a devoted Soul, doth know, that this your honourablepro- fe>iion of the Chriftian Faith, troth make toe the more conftantlÿ remember you in my Prayers. Io.' And regueft of God, if it feem good to aim, that I may come to you, for the furtherance afety joy, and your edification. 11. For I long to fce you, that I may impart unto you fome fpirint- atgi ft,. to the end you may be eftab- lifhed ; 12. That,is, that I maybe , comforted together withyou, by the mutual faith both ofyou and me. I t, t a, For I long to fee you. that by com- municating to you what God hash given tome, Youmay be further eftablilhed, and you andI may be comforted in themutual manifeftation of a our Concordant.Faith. 13. Now I would nor have you ignorant, brethren, that . oftentimes I purpoled to come unto you (but was let hitherto) thatImight have foal& fruit among yon-alfo, evenas among other Gentiles. 13. I, would have you know, that as, God bath called me to be an Apoftle to the Gentiles.' I oft purpofed to come to you, (though hitherto kindred) that I might reap fome fruit of that myOffice among you, as well as amongother. Gentiles. 14. I amdebter both to the Greeks;' and to the barbarians, both to the wife, and to the unwife. t4. By this my. Miffion and Office; it is my; duty to Preach the Gofpel, both to the learned Greeks and Romans, and -to unlearned.Barbarous Nations. 15. Soi as much as in me is, I am ready to preach the gofpel to you thatare at Rome allo. 15. Therefore, if it be the. Will of Gad. that I Mall come unto you I am ready, as. the Apoftle to the Gentiles, to exercise mine Office, by Preaching, as I have done to others. 16. For I am not afhamed of the gofpel of Chrift : for it is the power ofGod unto falvation, to every one that believeth, tdthe Jew firft, and alto to the Greeks. 16. For though a Crucified Chrift be to the yewo a Rumbling block, and to the Gentiles h,ot^ ialnhnd e:realer h is o Gt om eFr mtoht e =or. )(7d, by this called weakness and foolithuefs by Men,' is manifefted In ir, and by ir, in the Converfioa, Comfort, and Salvation of every true Believer, whether yews, with whom it began, or Greeks to whom it is now Preached. 17. For therein is the righteous-' nefs of God revealed from faith to faith: asitis written, The juff thalh live by faith. 17. For that fortof Righ:eoufnef whichGot bath made the neccffary and acceptable way ro Y a Sale