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Ch. i . e fins of Rom Salvation, isthereinrevealed tothe World; e.. ven Righteoufnefs by Faith, is revealed to be- get Faith in Men; by which it is that Men mutt be juftified and lived, aswas£,:retold. 18. For the wrath of God is re- vealed from heaven againft all un- godlinefs,and unrighteoufnefs ofmen, whohold the truth in unrighteoufnefr. 18. For that Gótpel which pardoneth Penitent Believers, Both reveal God's wrath againft the Impenitent and Unbelievers, who by the bve of Sin refift and rejeth the Truth, and continue in ungodlineCsand unrighteoufnefs. 19. Becaufe that which may be known ofGod, is manifeft in them ; for God bath Mewed it unto them. 19. For they maykteovv much of the nature and attributescf God; as maniffted by the light ofNature In them,and by the Providence ofGod among them; by which God Ibeweth it unto them. 2o. or the invifible things ofhim from the creation of the world are clearly feen, being underftood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; fo that they are without excufe : 22. For though God and Heavenly things be invifible, even his Eternal Power, and his God- head, yet are they clearlyto be Peen in the Glad's ofhis Works; fu that their fin againft God, shoe sweated, leaveth them without all jug' excors. .I,. Becaufe that when they knew God, they glorified him - not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22. Pro- feilïng themfelves to be wife, they became fools : 2,g. And changed the gloryof the :uncorruptible God, into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-looted beafts, and creeping things. 21. Becaufe, when by his Works, and the light of Nature, they were fored toconfefs the Divine Pcrfeaions, they yet lived not to his Glory, or in holy thankfulnefs tothe Godwhom they acknowledged, but dishonoured him, and corrupted their Minds by vain Imaginations, and their fòolifh Hearts, were dackned by grofs e cars. 22 And pro£esfing themfelves to be the Learned Phil^rfophers,ánd Wife Menof theWorld, and contemning others as Ignorant and'Barba- rous, they spewed by their praaice that they wert Fools. 23. For when their Tongues ac- ans. the Gentiles. Ch. I. knowledged the glory ofthe incorruptible God, they worshipped him as in andbythe Images of Corruptible Men, and ofBirds, Beath, and creep- ing things; as ifGod had been like thefe. 24. Wherefore Godalfogavethem up to uncleannefs, through the lulls of their own hearts, to dishonour their ownbodies between themfelves : 25. Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and ferved the creature more than the Creator, who is bleffed for ever. Amen. 24.' Wherefore, as a juft punifhment for that wilful fins, God left them to the lulls of the Flefh, to bate unnatural uncleannef<. 25. Seeing they confining the Perfeaions of the True God, yet reprefented him in the Image of vain Sha- dows and Creatures, and fo offered theirworfhip, to fuch Creatures, and to the Stars, rather than tothe True and Bleffed Creator whom they ac- knowledged. 26. For this caufe God gave them up unto vile affe .lions: for even their women did change the natural, ufe into that which is againft nature 27. And likewife alfo the men, leav- ing the natural ufe of the woman, . burned in their luft one toward ano- ther, men with men working that which is unfeemly, and receiving in themfelves that recompence of their errourwhich was meet. ad, 27. For this Sin, God gave them to bare lufts againft Nature, who in their Religion fin- ned againft the light of Nature ; both Women and Men burning in worts than beaftly unnatu- ral Inns towards thofe of their own Sex, and by being left to that unnatural filthinefs, were juft- ly puni/hed for their unnatural Idolatry. 28.. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do thofe things which are not convenient: al. And. as their wicked Hearts refuted to obey and honour God practically, though they did in words acknowledge hits ; God gave them over to a reprobate Mind, to do thoft things which the light of Nature and common Beaton do condemn. 29. Being filled with all unrighte- oufnefs, fornication, wickednefs; co vetoulnels, malicioufnefs:. fall of en- vy,