Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 2. The Manner of Romans. God's Yu'kmeat. Ch. 2.. vy, murder, debate, deceit, maligni- ty, whifperers, 3o. Backbiters`, ha- ters ofGod,defpiteful,proud,boafters, inventers of evil things, difobedient to parents. 31. Without underftand- ing, covenant-breakers,without natu- ral affection, implacable, unmerciful. 29. So far is their Learning and Arts from making them juft andhappy, that they abound with all manner of odious Ihameful Sins (here named) 32. Who knowing the judgment ofGod, that they which commit fuch things are worthy of death, not on- lydo the fame, but havepleafure in' them that do them. 32. And all their knowledge (of Giiod and Evil) is fo far from 'ratifying or San&ifying them, that they live in the pra&ice of that which they knowGod Both condemn, and in their So- cieties and Converfation make it their delight. C H A P. II. a. Herefore thouart inexcufable, O Iran, whofoever thou art that judgeft : for wherein thou judg- eft another,thou condemneft thy felt; for thou that judgeft, doeft the fame things. t. Therefore thou that think& highly ofthy (elf, for thy Knowledge, and bafely ofothers,as ignorant or barbarous, art fo far from being ju- 'ftified by this, that it aggravateth thy Sin, and leaveth thee without encule t For thou liveft in as great Sin, as thofe whom thou'condemneft as Ignorant. 2. But we are lure that the judg- ment of God is according to truth, againft them which commit fuch things. 2. But we knowthat God will judge all Men in Truth and Righteoulnefs, according to their Works; and will condemn evil doers, whatever their Knowledge and Profellion be. 3. And thinkeft thou this, Oman, that judgeft them which do fuck things, and doeft the fame, that thou (halt efcape the judgment ofGod ? 3. is it not then thy manifeft error, to think that thy Knowledge, and condemning Sin in o- thers will juftifieand lave thee,that liveft in Sin? 4. Or defpifeft thou the riches of his goodnefs, and forbearance, and long fuffering, not knowing that the goodnefs of God leadeth thee to re- pentance ? 5. But after thy hardnefs and impenitent heart, treafureft up unto thy felf wrath againft the day of wrath, and revelation of the righteousjudgment of God ; 6. Who will render to every man according tohis deeds. 4, 5, 6. While thou boaïteft ofWifdom, and liveft in Wickednefs, thou aheweft the more con- tempt of God, even ofthe Riches of his good_ nets, and forbearance, and long-f ffering, not kn- wing Pra&ically, that the goodn 'efs ofGod which thou doff acknowledge in Words, Gould lead thee tlP Repentance, and forfaking cfSin. 5. But thy Heart beirg hardned'in impenitency, by Sin againft Knowledge, thoudoff bur tree- fare up certain punifhment againfethe Day when God will Thew his Righteoufnefs by his Judg- ment; 6. And will judge and ufe Men accord - law to their Deeds. 7. To them, who by atient con tinuance in well doing, feek for glo- ry, and honour, and immortality ; eternal life : ;. To them, who by a life of true obedience, and patient waiting for hisRewerd, do leek firft for fhture Glory and Honour, and Immortal Hap_ pine(r, he will give Eternal Life. 8. But to them that are contenti- ous, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteoulnefs, indignation, and wrath ; 9. Tribulation and an- guifh upon every foul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew firft, and alto of the Gentile. S, 9. But ro them that refiff the Lighr, and contend againft the revealed Truth, and obey it nor, but live in the pra&ice of Lluri;htcouf- nefs, while they boaft ofKnowledge, Gcd will pour f..rth his Indignation and Wrarh, Tribula- tion and Anguilla, even on every one that liveth in Sin and Wick-dnefs, firft on the 7.w.r, who fin under their boafting oftheir Peculiarity, Law, and Jewilh Knowledge ; and the Geeekr and Re. mans, who fin under their boafting of Learning and Philofophy, and conceited Wifdom. I o. But glory, honourand peace to everyman that worketh good, to the Jew firft, and alto to the Gentile. t t. For there is no refpea ofpericns with God. Y ; IO, t'. Bur