Ch. z: Who are Rom I., if. $ut Glory, Honour and Peace, to every Man that livethalife of trueObedience and well- doing; to theyewfirft, according to theirCove- nant- Prerogative, and alfoto the Gentjls:, as being in the fame Covenant of Grace, for God faveth not men partially, . fortheir outward Privileges,or their barren Knowledge and;Profeffion, I z. For as many as have finned without law, (hallall-operawithout law : and as many as have finned in the law, fhalf be judged by thelaw. 12. For all Men shall be judged.accordinggto theObligations which they were under. they that finnedagainstthe LawofNature and common Mercies, andwerenever under the Mofaical Law, ,or Supernatural Revelation, Mall be condemned by the Law whichthey finned .againft, and not 'by that which was never given them. But the yety, thatfinnedunder ,2e/tress Law, hall be judg- ed by it. i3. (For not the hearers of the law 'dre juft before God, but thedoers of the law (hall be juftified. r 3. For nolawofGod, dothjulifie Men nieer- ly for having it, and hearing it, but for doing it, fo far as they do it. 14. For when the Gentiles which have not the law, 'doby nature the things contained in the law, thefeha- ying not the law,are, a law unto them- felves : 15 .Whichihew theworkofthe law writtenin their hearts, their con- -fciencealto bearing witnefs, and their thoughts the mean while accufing, or elfe excufing one another.) 14., 15. For when the Geutìier, which have not the Jewith, or any written Law of God, do 'by Nature that which that Lawcommandeth,rhefe having not that fupernatural written Law, have God's Law of Nature in themfelves; and thew the effeets of this Natural Revelation written in their Hearts, their Coufciruce naturally having fineCodvi&ion ofGod's Soveraign Government end Man's duty, tells them, as a Wines, whe thtr they do well or ill; and their Reafon accu- fng or defending them accordingly. 16. In the day when God (hall judge the fecrets of men by Jefus Chrift, according to my Gofpel. r6. I"mean not by any miftaken fèlfjudging in this World ; but even at the bar of Chrift, when God fhall open all mens fieret Affs, and r&line all rniflaken'ludgings, as I have preached in foretelling that judgment ofChrift. 17. $ehold, thou art called a Jew, and refteft in the law, and' makeft thy ans. jufi ed. Ch: z: boaft of God; r8. And knoweft hie will, andapproveft thethings that are more excellent, 'being inftruded put of the law. 3 9. Andart confidentthat thou thy Pelf art a guide ofthe blind, a light of them which-are indarknefs, lo. An inftruF.ter of the foolith, .a teacher ofbabes, which haft the form of knowledge, and of the,truth in the law. -a7, is, 19, so. And'.that you -nay know that ehe Law will juftifie no man for having or know- ing ir, but for doing it, confider that it is but Cell-deceit to think that thou hhalt be juftified for [being called a yaw, and telling in the.Divinenes and Perfeaion ofyour Law, and boiling that you are God's peculiar People, and thathis Will and eacellent,thinggs are known by you, which the world knowethnot; and that it is you that by ehea Law muR be the Lights and Guides of the Dark and Ignorant,towhomall othersasChll- dren should come toSchool, becaufe youhave the only True Knowledgeby the means ofyour'Law. zr. Thou therefore which teacheft another, teacheft thou not thy fèlfs? thou that preacheft a man fhould not (teal, doft thou (teal ? 22. Thou that fayeft aman fhould not commit adul- tery, dolt thou commit adultery ? Thou that abhorreft idols, doft thou commit facrilege? 23. Thou that makeft thy boaft of the law, through breaking the law dilhonoureft thou God? a I,os, a3. Will the law juftifie thee, that con- demneR thy fèlfby breaking it, while thou heal- eft of it ? Will teaching others juftifie thee, who teaçhef not thy Pelf? Will it juftifie a Thief to Preachagain.ft healing, or an Adulterer to Preach againf Adultery, or the Sacrilegious to abhor Idols ? 24. For the name ofGod is blaf- phemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written. 2 a. For as the Prophets truly toed your fore- fathers, I may tell you, that you are.fofar from keeping your Law to Juftification, that the fcan. dal of your Sin occafioneth the Gentiles to (peak evil ofyourLaw, and blafphemeGod that made it. 25. For circumeifion verily profit- eth, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, 'thy circum- cifion is, made uncircumcifion. a;. Indeed God made not the Law in Vain,: