Ch. 2. HowCircumcifion Tokeep it is required ofthe Yews, as the matter oftheir Obedience . And ifyoukeep it as the Covenant ofCircumcifion obltgeth you, you thall not lofe the promifed Reward. But if you are breakers of the Law, you will be no more jufti- fied than the Uncircumcifed, but more condemn- ed for violating your Duty and Covenant with God. 26. Therefore if the uncircumci- fion keep the righteoufnefs of the law, shall not his uncircutncifion be count- ed for circumcifion ? 27. And (hall not uncircumfion which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who by the letter and circumcifiondolt tranfgrefs the law ? 26, 27.Therefore it being Performance which the Law requireih, ifUncircumcifed Perfons do that good which the Law requireth, it is them Romans. profitetb. Ch 3. tage bath the yew above the Gentile, or what profit cloth Circumcifion afford them ? I aefwer, Muchevery way: As That tïrft,God committedhis Oracles offupernatural Revelation principally to them ; (and from them it is that others have re- ceived them.) 3. For what if fome did not be- lieve ? fhall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect ? 3. It's true, that the molt of the prefent yews do notbelieve in Chrif, nor yield to the perfwa- fions of the Gofpel. But Rill God's word is fire and true, and his Fidelity will perform all his Promifes. 4. God forbid : yea, let God be true, but every man a liar ; as it is written, That thou mighteft be jufti- lied in thy fayings, andmighteft over- come when thou artjudged. that the Law will fo far juftifie ; and fuch obedt- 4.Far be it fromus to think that God is trirtruf. dientUncircumcifed Psrfons, that by obeying the Law of Nature, perform the Matter of your Laws, tkall condemn thofe thathave the letter of the Law, and are by Circumcifion engaged to keep it, andyet tranfgrefs it. 28. For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly ; neither is that cir- cumcifion, which is outward in the fielh : 29. But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly ; and circumcifion is that oftheheart, in the fpirit, and not in the letter, whole praife is not of men, but ofGod. 28, 29. But the yewthat Godwill accept: and, joftifieas the Seedofbelieving .Abraham,and that anfwereth the end of the Law, is not he that is . only vifiblyone in the outward Ceremony ; nor is that the acceptable Circumcifion, which is only outward in theFlefh : But he is the'accepted Per- fon withGod, as his peculiar, who is fuch at the Heart as the Law required7ewa to be ; and that is the acceptable Circumcifion, which cleanfeth and fanetifieth the Heart in Spirituality, and not only in outward Letter, Form and Ceremony ; which is approvedofthe mothHoly Heart-fearch- ing God, and not that which is but approvedóf Men. CHAP. III. \yHat advantage then bath the r Jew ? or what profit is there of circurricifron ? 2. Much every way : chiefly, becaufe that unto themwere committed theoracles of God. I, , You will fay, Ifthis befo, what advane tyor can lie: All men are untrufty, and may de- ceive by is butGod's Fidelity is hisPerfe&ion, which cannot fail. As David faith, His Word than be joftified, and ail be filenced that dare ac= cute himofuntruftinefsor lying. 5. Butifour unrighteoufnefs com- mend the righteoufnefs of God, what (hall we fay ? Is God unrigh- teouswho rakerh vengeance ? (I fpeak as a man) s. But ifall our Sin do bat occafion the mani- feftation of God's Righteoufnefs, and fo his Ho- nour and End is fecured is it not unjuft for God to punith and deftroy Men for unbelief and fin I obje& as a Man. 6. God forbid : for then how Mall God judge the World? 6. Far be it from us fo to think : For fure the judge of all the World is Righteous, and will righteoufly judge. 7. For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory, why yet am I alto judged as a firmer ? S. And not rather, as we be flanderoufly reported, and as folne affirm that we fay, Let us do evil, that good may come? whole damnation is j 8. But, fay they, If toy fallout and fin do occafion the glorifying of God and his Truth, why should I be judged a 'Sinner againft God, who is glorified by all that I do; andnot rather conclude (as Come fairly fay we do) that We Should never fear finning,feeingthe effeçh is always good ? But jutf is the damnation of fuch, that_ pre- Y 4 tend