Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

:A. 3. Yews andGentiles Romans. all are /inners. Ch. 3. tend God's Glory to embolden them in Sin. is Deßruaion and Mií ry to the Faithful, and to 9. What then ? are we better then theSocieties where they live, and finally to them- they ? No in no wife for we have rdves, Nature and Ceftom may teach them to before proved both Jews and Gen- talk for Rare, and Unity, and Love : Bra they P Jews do not, and will nor know rile true Natureeï tiles, that they are all under fin ; them, or th, wayby wnich they mull be attain - 9. What fha11 the then conclude from this un- ed. For they are not governed by the Law and belief and punifhment of the yaws ? Ls it_ that Fearof God, but by their Carnal deceived Wit, we who are Chriftians, Yews and. Gentiles, were and Worldlylntereß, which God cond.mneth, fo muchle tier antecedently than the unbclicv_ 19. Now we know that what ing part, that Gad therefore gave us his Grace things foever the law faith, it faith ro for our better deletes ? No, in no wife : For we have before proved, that Sews and Gcnriles are them who are under the law : that all under the guilt and reign of Sin, till Grace every mouth may be ftopped, and recover them. all the world may become guilty be- I o. As it is written, There is fore God. none righteous,nonotone I s.There 19. All the is written in the Ye e Law, and r therefore is fpoken to and of the .yews as wet is none that unde.ftandeth, there is as othcrs; for the Law fpeaketh to none but none that feekethafter God. I2.Thcy thole that are Subjz&n, and obliged by it are all gone out of the way, they So thar. neither jaw nor Gn t,ie can be jußified are together become unprofitable, as innocent ; but all fach felt juß;hers will be ccnfsted, and all the World proved guilty of Sin there is none that doeth good, no not and Punishment before God when he 1311 judge one, I 3. Their throat is an open fe- them. pulchre ; with their tongues they 2°. Therefore by the deeds of the have ofd deceit ; the poifon of afps law there fliall no flelle be juffified in is under their lips ; 14. Whole mouth his fight : for by the law is the know- is full of curling and bitternefs ledge of fin. 20. By all this therefore it is clear, that fee- 1 j. Their feet are lwift to flied blOUd. ing all that are under Mafia's i,sw, are Sinners a_ i6. Deftrurtion and mil-cry site in gainft the Law, and none are innocent, no In fit their ways : 17. And the way of *Iii he infhfled in God's fight by that Law': peace have they not known. I 8.There Fór as they are Singers, {ò it is the Law which notifieth their Sin, and condeameth them for it. is no fear of God before their eye's. 2r. But now the rlghteoilfneís of ro,t t, 12,13, L}, 15,16, 17, 18 Davidtru God Without the law is manifefted, 1y defcribeth the Late of Cortupecd Nature, and f of all Men till Grace refrainor change them, to being wltne. fed by the law and the Pjat. 14. and S3, d'c, char, There is not one cf prophets ; 22. Even the righteotlf- theta that are Righteous Men: They underßancl nefs of God whic /J LS by faith of Je- not practically the matters of nee Wrdo n, and fns Chrtfî unto all, and upon ail chiefcnnceen'',hu t area blind and fottath Generati- on; and therefore they Peek notferioufly toknow them that believe; for there is no Go i, or to ph ate him, and eujiy his love. They diflcrence. are turned from the way ofT,uth andobedience 2r. But there is an titer way of Righteouf and happinefs: They are all but hurtful, or un- m alto World, and of them that hers ordained of God f r our ,lull;hca;ion, and profitable fee themfclves to a Lila that may do good to the Glory of his Grace and Jollier, without the rhémfcives or others, or to pleafe God. They are keeping of Mofis's Law, or being jult;fied by it, fo like Satan, who feekethwhomhermay devour, z' Even the isGraoufitefs pre( rbed by God. that their Throat is like an open iepukhre, and given by his Grace, which is by the way of greedily gaping to devour thejag and Godly ; Faith inChrlß, even our believing troll in him, their Tongues serve the Father of lies, to flan- and adhering to him; and this is prefers, d uring God's Taub, and Servants ; and their given to and found in all true Believers, with - Wotd, are like Adders Poyf-n, that rends te, out dillerencu do-mifchief, and deßroy the good and innocent:: 23. For all have finned, and coins Curling and falle deceitful words, ate the f. nit of, {Mort of the dory of God ; 2Ç. Be- te Lips. Th`y are ready to (he'd the Blood of i Godly and Innocent: The way oftheir Life ing juftifiect freely by his grace, thrr lagh