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Ch. 3. fufl'ificition Romans: by Faith. Ch. 3: through the redemption that is in Je. hcation and Salvation, that no Man, yew Gen. fus Chrift : tile, is otherwife juftihed by God, but by his free Grace given through Jena Chrift, to all true 23, 2q. For all Men are Sinners, and therefore Believers, who accept a as a free gift. have come ¡hart cf obtaining the Glory which 29. Is he the God of the Jews on- God had appointed to the innocent that never brake his Law ; and cannot be laved or juftified by the Law which they have broken ; but mutt be juftified by his free Grace, forgiving their fin, and giving and accepting their ILrcere Faith and Repentance, through the Redemption ofloft Sin- ners, which Jefus Chrift bath wrought for them and in them. 25. Whom God bath let forth to . be a propitiation, through faith in his bloud, to ideClare his righteouf- nefs for the remiflion of fins that are paft,through the forbearance ofGod ; 26. To declare, Ifäy, at this time Íùs righteoufnefs : that he might be jute, and the juftifier of him which believeth in Jefus. 25, 26. Whom God bath, by his unfearcha- hie Counfel, Decree, and Ordination, let forth to be the great Reconciler and Propitiation, by the way and means of Faith in his blood, as Propitiatory Sairrifice, and the 5za1 ofhis Truth and Love; and fhts was as well as by juflifying the Innocent) to d.monfrate that he isa Holy, loft, and Men.iful God, and no fiend to fin, but a lover of Holinefs and Truth, in pardoning to fuch &lievers all their pat( Sins, to which his forbearance and reprieve was a preparation. I fay, to declare that he is (as Merciful, fo) loft, while he will have fo precious a Sacrifice for Sin, and by Pardon and Grace doth hake, vndjudge the Faithful Righteous, which is it that is now fully deelared by our preaching the Gofpel. 27. Where is boafting then ? It is excluded. By what law ? ofworks? Nay : but by the law of faith. 27, Grace therefore mutt have the Gloryof our Juftification : For whocan boat( that he hash it by Innocency ? becahfe he defervednot death by Sin? No, this is utterly fhut out By what Law ? Is it by the Law of Mars, or any Law which jsftifieth Men, becaufe they finned not againft ir, nor deferved death ? No: but by a- nother Law, even the Law of Ruh, winch Grace Marla brought us under, which pardoneth and faveth true Penitent Believers. 28. Therefore we conclude, that a man is juftified by faith without the deeds of the law. °8. Therefore againft the yews and all felf jnfticiaries, we conclude that the Law of Mofes (much left the firft Law of pure Innocercy) is fo ly ? is he not alto of the Gentile s? Yes, of the Gentiles alfo : 29. And how abfurdis ir to think that God is a God, that is, a merciful Governour, to no . more in theWorld, than that little lorry People of the yews? Dash not his actual Mercies, and hisGovernment, obliging all theWorld to the ufe offose means for Recovery, Pardon and Salva- tion, confute this, and thew ti at he is the God andMerciful Governour allo of theCscntdea 3ó. Seeing it is one God, which fhall juftifie the circúmcifion by faith, and uncircumcifion through faith. 30. Ic is the fame God who will juftifie Cir- eumcifed&lievers, andUncircumciled Believers, by one and the fame way : Even by the way of Grace and Faith, 31. Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, weeftablith the law. 3r. Can the yews then fay that we difiónour, and make void their Law, as if God had given it in vain, and they had not beets bound to keep it : Far be this from us; yea, by theDoctrine of Chriftianity, we let the Law in itsproper place, (as confcquenr and fubordinare to the Promife and law of Grace that went before ir, and as preparatory to the filler edition ofthe Law of Grace which corneal afar it. And fo we aflign it its due Officeand Honour, and End, that God mayhave the Glory ofmaking it; though the yews miff ederftand ir.) C H A P. IV. I.;7Hat (hall we fay then, that $ Abraham our father, asper- taining to the flail, hath found ? t. at it confider ,Abraham's cafe, the Father ofthe Ifraelirei according to the Flesh : For lure his Prerogative mutt be as great as theirs that claim it as his ftelhly Seed. 2. For if Abraham were juftified by works, he bath whereof to glory, but not before God. 2. If .Abraham was juftified by the merit-of his Righteoufnef, as having never delèraed death by Sin, then he may boaft that Life and Impunity was his due on that account, though yet even that didnot merit by anybenefit to God: (Or, but towards God, he couldhave no matter to boaft of; as his own.) far from ()ping nccefí'ary to the Gentilesfor Jufti , 3. For what faith the fcriptute ? Abraham