Ch. 5. Reconciliation Romans. by Chrift, Ch. r. him ; 24. But for us alto, to whom fhedabroad in our hearts, by theholy it ,fhall be imputed, if we believe Ghoft which is-given-unto us. on him that raifed up. Jefus our Lord 3. 4. 5 yea, more than fo, but alto to all our from the dead. tribulations which we undergo in the World for z 3. And çertainly, God did not leave this on Chrift and Righteoufnefs, we exult withglory_ Record for ,Abraham's ein Cake only as there ing and joy; knowing that this tribulation Both been a fi and fa n y ;Las ife, whichhe byy exercifeencreafe our Patience, and being try. g g ed, our patient and conftant fuffering maketh us .on'ymuft have,and belonged to no other, and he the more certain by.experience thatour Faith is mutt be juftified by Come odd way properto him- found, and giveth us experience of God's fop. felf. 24. But this is written alto for all us, to tell porting Grace, And this experience much con- us what Righteoufnefs God requireth andaccept- lirmeth our hope of God's acceptance, and our eth toOur Salvation ; and that ifwe believe with Salvation, which we fhould be apt to doubt of, truth on HisPower, Truth, and Mercy, who raifed ifour Faith and God's Grace had not been thus 'up our Lord fom the dead, this Faith (hall be im- tried ; it being eagle by felt flattery to think un- puted to usfor Righteoufnefs,andwethall be faved tryed Faith isbetter than it is. And this confirm- ,- by theSatrifice, Merits, andMediationofChrift, ed hope will never leave us to flame by difap- thoughour Sins deferved death, and neither the pointmenr, for it is accompanied and Pealed by Lawof Innocency, or ofMofes juftihe es. that fpecial gift of the Holy Ghoft, which flied- 25. Who was delivered for our of deth abroad on our Hearts the effeás and fenfe fences, and was railed again for our ofthe Love ofGod throughChrift; and fo re. jufiification. th leahus with Refle&ing-love to God, (even zs Even our Faith in God by Chrift and in as the Summer Rains and Buntline moiften and Y warm the Earth, and replenifheth it with plea- him, who for our fins was made a Propitiatory Cant Fruits.) Sacrifice, to procure us free Forgivenefs ofthem, ra We were ó. For when yet without and was raifed again to caufe our Jufitication, by uniting us to himfelf; and pardoningour Sin, and ftrength, in due timeChrift died for giving us his Spirit and right toImpunity and Sal- the ungodly. vation, and juftifying this right andus ós ourAd_ 6, For when we were worthlefs, helplefs, loft vocate, and by his Sentence asour Judge. and miserable, in the fitteft feafon Chrift died Bien f rthe ungodly guilty Sinners; to recover C H A P. V. them to Gnd, and fare them. a ,1-Hereforebeing juftified byfaiths will For fcarcely fora righteous man we have peace with Gods one diet yet peradventure for a throughour Lord Jefus Chrift. good man tome would even dare t.o I. Therefore I may conclude, that beingCon_ die. fiitàred, .Accounted of God, and judged&ghee- 7 For among Men, few (or farce any one) eus by Faith, we have Peace with and towards would die for an Innocr tic Man ; though perhaps God, as Reconciled and Adopted through our fomefew of rare Charity and (elf-denial, would Lord Jefui Chrift, (notwitlftanding we arenot 'Venture on death for a Man of eminent worth juftifiableas fulfillers ofthe Law ) and goodnefs 2. By whomaltowehave accefaby 8. But God commendethhis love faith into this grace wherein we fond, towards us, in that while we were and rejoyce in hope of the glory of yet (inners, Chrift died for us. Cod. 8,- But the love ofGod to us was fo tranfcen- z. By whofe mediation it is that we came or dently declared And magnified, that while we -had acrefs by Faith, into this blelfed fiase of were ied to rtconcleandtfave his and him, Chrift Grace and God's Favour wherein we now are; and greatly rejoyce in hope ofthe promifed Glory 9 Much more then being now of God. juffificd by his blood, we !hall be 3. And not only fo, but weglory faved fromwrath through him. in tribulations alto, knowing char tri- 9' And if he loved us fo far, as to give hisSon to die for us when we were meet guilty Sinners, bulation workethpatience ; 4, And we may befine that now he bath made and ac_ patience, experience ; and ex-peri- ceprcd J as Rigireous, pardoning all our Sin for theSacrifiee °file Blond of,Chrift, he will eer- ence, hope: 5. And hope makethnot tainly face us from Damnati,.n. alharncci, became the love of God is i o. For if whenwe wereenemies,, t, we.