Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 5. Reconciliation Rom we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son much more being reconciled, we fhall be faved by his life. i o, ForifGad reconciled us to himfelfbyhis Son's death; when we werehis Enemies, doubt- left hewill fave them that are now reconciled, and pardoned Believers, by the Interceffion of him that liveth in Glory, and is now our Head, the Lord of Life, by giving us his Spirit, and juftifyingus at lait, and receiving us to himfelf in Glory. He that lovedhis Enemies, will notdamn his beloved Children. 1 i. And not only fo, but wealfo joy in God, through our Lord Jefus Chrift, by whom we have now re- ceived the attonement. 11. And now moreover, through, this reconci- liation by Chrift, which we have received up-n our believing, God is fo farfrom being our terri- fyingavengingJudge,that he is becomeour great- eft glorying and joy ; he being our God and we his People, and he being our Father, and alfuffi- ciert Portion and Felicity. I a. Wherefore as by one man fin entred into the world, and death by fin; and fodeath paffedupon all men, for that all have finned. 12.. In all this we have notice of thisgreat My- ftery, that as Adam was the Root or firft calk of Man's Sin and Death, and by that one Man fin entred into the World, and death by Sin, and, fo allbeing Sinners, death paired upon all, even Temporal deatha&ually,and Prernal death by the Sentence of theViolated Law, as being our due. 13. For until the law fin was in the world: but fin is not imputed when there is no law. 14: Ncverrhe lefs, death reigned from AdamtoMo- fes, even over them that had not fin- ned after the fimilitude of Adam's tranfgreffion, who is the figure,of him that was to come : 13, 14. For it is certain that Sin was in the World beforeMofel's Law, even from .Adam's fall: And whereas that is no Sin, nor imputed to Guilt and Punifhment, which is againft no Law ; yet death reigned from .Adams fall till Mefes j and therefore all were under (ore Law; Sin being fo far imputed to them; though they finned not themfelves as .Adam did, agalnt an esprefsparticular command and penal threatning by fupernatural Revelation from Heaven, nor all that died (e.g. Infans) did a&wally and perfonal- ly tranfgrefs : The efore it was from him, as his Vitiated guilty Seed, that they derivedOriginal ans. ley Chrif?. Ch. 5.. Sin, andby this vicious nature they at age finned. a&ually,againft that Law which they were under, . and by both were the Children ofDeath; fo than we may compare .Adam-as the root of Sin and Death to all, withChrift, who is toall true Chri- ftians the root of Holinefs andLi&. 15. But not as the offence, fo alfo is the free gift. For if through the of- fence of one many be dead; much' more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by oneman, Jefus Chrift, hath abounded untomany. r S. But the dif ariry muft be noted : For if the finofone Man had filch malignant power and per- nicious efficacy as to procure theguilt and death. of many, we may be fine that the Grace and' MercyofGed, and the gift ofthat faving Grace vvhich is fromthe Merits, Interceffon and Spirit ofChrift, ¡hall be more effeetual to the Life of many. 16. And not as it weu by one that finned,_fo is the gift: for the judg- ment wsu by one to condemnation; but the free gift is of many offences unto juftification. 16. And there is this f rther difference, that,, Adam, one Man by one lin, bro:;ght the Sen- tence of Death on all the World, vvhich had not paired elfe uponus. But it is many Sins, ofmany Men, which Chrift cloth deliver us from in the free gift of our Juftification. 17. For if by one man's offence, death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace, andof the gift of righteouf- nefs, gull reign in life by one, Jefus Chrift. 17. For if one offence of one Mate made all Men Subjeets to Deathby that one; much more powerfully and effeet ally, they which receive forone Redeemer abundance of Grace, and the gift ofRighteouiiefs,, in the healing andpardon_ ing ofall their Sins, Shall certainly Reign in the purchafcdand promifed life ofGlory, by that one Saviour Jefus Chrift. IS, Therefore as by the offenceof one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation : even fo by the righte- oufnefs ofone, the freegift carne upon allmen Lento juftification of life., IS. Thefefore, as by tRe offence ofone the Sentence of Death was gaffed upon all his pofte- ray ; fo. alfo by the highteouinelg of one, as the meri,orioucand Irocuringcaufe,the free giftcátne on all Men,, for Jollification and Life; That is, a 1