Ch. 6. We.wnefs Romans. oflfe. Ch. 6, a free Gift ismade and offered promiCcuouflyto we infer thatMen maycotnu.e in'Sin that Grace. all, on condition ofbelieving, fuitable acceptance, may abound. and a&nally juftifieth all toLife, who fo believ- 2. God forbid : how thall we that ingly accept it, and uuthankfully reje t it nor. are dead to fin, live any longer there 19. For as by one man's difobedi- in? ence many weremade finners: fo by 2. Far be it from us Co to think : For though the obedience of one Than many be Chrift carne to rave Sinners, it was not to favour made righteous. Sin, but todeftroy it, and fave Men fromit. And 19. For as by one, .Adaaz's difobedience, all therefore as he died for Sin , he caufeth us to,d e to Sin ; and how then fhall we live in it that are Men, as receiving their Nam: e from him, are dead to it? made guilty and corrupt,and punithableas Sinners, Know enot that fo many of fo by the procuring meritoriousObedience ofone 3 y (in performing all that was required of him as us as were baptized into Jefus Chrift, our Redeemer, in perfea Hanes of Soul and were baptized into his death ? Life, fulfilling the Law of innocency, andofMo. 3, Know yenor, that when Men are.Baptiàed, fes, and the peculiar Law of Mediation, being they are byVow, Covenant, andProfeffion lifted obedient to the Death on the Croft) thall the ma- into the beliefof a Crucified Sat ioür, whodied ny that byFaith receive him, be conffituted Righ. for Sin to lave us from it,-and do profefs that tenus, andfo accounted anajudged of God, even Repentance by which we renounceit, as dead reconciled, pardoned, adopted, and made the to it for the time to come ? Heirs of Life. q,. Therefore weare buried with zo. Moreover, the law entred, that him by baptifm into death : thatlike theoffencemightabound But where as Chrift was railed up from thedead finabounded, grace did much more by the glory of the Father, even fo abound: we alto fhould walk in newnefs of zo. AndAfo M6 Law, Which came in afrer- ward, was made to encreafe Mens obligation a- life. gainftSin, and more exprefly+and terribly forbid 4. Therefore in our Baptifm we are dipped' it, that if the yelps would fin, their Guilt and under the Water, as frgnifying our Covenant= Punithment Should be the greater (as alas, they profeffron, that as hewas buried for Sin, we are did even to abundance :) But when guilt was in- dead and buried to Sin, that as the gloriouspow creafed (and Sin by Mens abufe of the Law) erofGod railedhim from thedead, fo we fould Grace did fitperabound, being vi&oriotts againft rile dp to live to him in nesenefs and holinefsof Sin and Guilt, and thecurie, inall true Believers, Life. a,dextending tomanymore thanMufeSs Lawdid, 5. For if we have been planted e ten to all the called Nations ofthe World. together in the likenels of his death : zr. That as fin bath reigned unto we (hall be alto in the likenef of his death, even fo might grace reign refurretion through righteoufnefs unto eternal s. For as weHave Covenanted and Profefted' life, by Jefus Chrift our Lord. our belief inhim and conformity to him as Dead, a t. That as Sin bath had its reign and fad-ef- fà.wn have Covenanted and Profelled, and-molt fe&s in the Death and Miseries ofthe Sons of A. prattife-our Conformity to his Refurre&ion, of dam, even fo fitall grace have its more vidtorious elfe it is not true Baptifm, and Chriftianity, and Dominion, and Reign by theMeritorious Righte- Conformity to Chrift. oufnefs ofChrift, in making all his Members or 6. Knowing this, that our old man Spiritual Offspring Righteous, by his Pardoning, is crucified with him, that thebody Adopting, Sanótifying Mercy, and bringing them Of tin might deftroyed, be that hence- to Eternel Life, bythe Power and Efficacy of Je s fis theirRedeemer. forth we thould not ferve fin. 6. knowing that as his Body was Crucified for C H A P. VI. Sin, fo we have herein Covenanted and Profef-" fed' to be. as to our old Difpofitions aad finful Hat (hall we lay then ? Shall Converfations, asit were crucified with him, that we continue in fin,that grace the Bodyof Sin, that is, our fletidy corrupt dif abound ? pofrtion and converfation, might be deftroyed,- may that henceforth we should not ferve Sin, but be t. Perhaps Come may gather from all this, that as dead to it. we preach a Dod rive of Licentioufnefs; and'fee. For he that is dead is freed Grace abounde-10. whereSia abounded, that 7 a from fin,- 7. For