Ch. 6. fe fervice ofSin, Romans. and ofRtgbteoufnefs: Ch: 6. 7. For as a Dead Man is ab(òlved from all Cer- r4. For fin mutt not, and ¡hall not have domi- vile Obligations to his Matters fohe that is by nionover you, to ruleyou or condemn you ; for the Death of Sin conformed to the death of you are not under theLaw whichmeetly forbade drift, is freed from the dominionof Sin. it, and condemned the Sinner, but under grace 8. Now ifwebe deadwith Chrift, whichmortiheth and forgiveth it. we believe that we !hall alto live 15. What then ? Mall we fin, be- with him. caufe we are not under the law, but 8. And ifwe be indeed what we are byBap- under grace ? God forbid. tifmäl Profeffson, conformed thus to Chriß's 15. What then ? lhall we turn this Argument Death, we have caute to believe that we mutt ófour deliverance from fin to encourageus in fin, and ¡ball be conformed to his Refurreetion and and be the bolder to fin, becaufe we arenot un- Life, der the Law that condemneth finnere, but under 9. Knowing that Chrift being ruff- Grace that pardoneth them. Farbe it from us. ed from the dead, dieth no more ; 16. Know ye not, that to wham death bath no more dominion over Ye Yield your (elves fervants to obey, him. r o. For in that he died, he di- his fervants ye are towhom yeobey; ed unto fin once : but inthat he liveth, whether of fin unto death, or of o- he liveth unto God. 11. Líkewife bedience unto righteoufnefs? reckon your (elves to be dead r6. Know ye not, that as your engagement e alto Y Y tobe Servants ofChriß bindethyou to obeyhim ; indeed unto fin ; but alive unto God foyour obedience will ¡hew wholeServants yçu through Jefus Chrift our Lord. are indeed ; whether you obey (in, which is the 9, i o, it. For aswe know that Chriß being way ofdeath, or obey Chrift unto Righceoufnef5 railed foal the Dead, dieth no more. His Death and life. for Sin was but once, but he being rifen, liveth 17. But God be thanked, that ye to God for ever ; fomutt you reckon that you were the fervants of fin ; but Ve are by Coact-lion from Sin to God, once dead have obeyed from the heart' that to Sin by Covenant, Content, and Frofeflion, that you tray ever after live to God, by the Me. form of dolt ine which was deli diation, Spirit, andGrace ofChrift. vered you. 12, Let not fin therefore reign in 17. But God he thanked for your change and your mortal body, that }'e Mould o- deliverance; that though you were formerly-the Bo- bey it in the iuftS thereof. Servants of fin, you have obeyed, net only z. in the ffs t you will renounceyour dily, but from the Heart, that form of Chriftinn Y Y Doctrine, which was delivered to you, and to Baptifm and Chrißianity, you mutt not let Sin which you did content. reign in tholebodies, which as they die for fin, 1$ Being then made free from fo are profeffedly dead to tin : Its lulls may tempt and trouble you, but mutt not be obeyed. fin, ye became the fervants of nigh- 13. Neither yield ye your mem- teoufnefs. bersas inftruments of unrighteoufnefs 18. In your Converfon and Baptiin you be unto fin :' but yield your felves unto ing delivered from the fervitude and guilt of 5r, God, as thole that are alive from the you thenh}' contentandCovemmt became Chri(t's Servants for the way and works of Righteoufnef, dead ; and your members as in(tru- 19. I (peak after the manner of menuofrighteoufnefs unto God. men, becaufe of the infirmity of r3. Nor mull you yield the Membersof your Bodies, as'inßruments of unrighteoufnefs unto your flefh : foe as ye have yielded fin, rho' you mould pretend that you keep your your members fervants to unclean- Hearts clean to God; but give up your felves to the Government and Will ofGod, as chofe that nets, and CO lniCl uity, unto in1í1u1- are rifen and alive from your dead Race offin, ty ; even To now yield your mem- ttiat you may live to him, and fo give up the bers .fervants to righteoufnefs, unto Members ofyour Bodies as tire Soul's Inftruments hOlinefS, ofRighteoufiefs in (èrvingGod . 14, For fin flail not have domi_ is. r ore this fu:r.liar fp:ech by R ;lituáe nion over. you : for ye are not under and allegory, as , your Capacity : As you did forzme'ly of your . n-dies in uncieanrlels and the law, but under grace. iniquay, as Servants of iniquity i fo now ufe ywií