Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 7. Weare dead to the law. Romans: The law it not fin. Ch. 7; your Bodies as Servants of Righteoufnefs, devo- man and a dead Husband. You know (who red to God, and fan&ified to obey him, know the Law) that the Law of Superiority, which giveth one power over another, obligeth 2,0. For when ye were the fer- vants of fin, ye were free fromnigh- One until deathe woman which bath an teoufnefs. husband, is bound by the For when you lived in the fervitude of > te law to her fin; you were ndt the Servantsof God and Righ_ husband fo long as he l iveth : but teou(nef you lived not a life of Holinefs and lithe husband be-dead, the is loofed- Obedience to God, from the law ofher husband. 2I . What fruit had ye then iri z The Law bindeth a Wife to be a Subjeû thofe'things wliereof ye are now a- toher Husband till he die ; but then (he is there- thawed ? for the end of thole things byno longer bound to him: it death. 3. So then ifwhile her husband 21. Review now rhofe works, and thinkwhat liveth, the be married to another you got by them, you are justly now a(hamed man,lhe (halfbe- called an adulterefs: of them and of their faits: For whatever fin but if her husband be dead the -is feem in the committing, mifery and death is the end and fruit ofit, where Glace Both not reco- free from that law; fo that the is no vet and forgive, adulterefs, though fhe be married to 2z. But now being made free anotherman. from firi,and become fervants toGod, 3. So that though The he an Adultereßs who ye haveyour fruit untoholinefs, and marrieth another; while her Husband livethó yet when her Husband is d. ad, the is free from the end everlafting life. that obligation and is no Adultere(s for marry- 22. But now having by Converfion changed ing with another. your Matter and Life, and being delivered f om 4 Wherefore, m brethren, ye a1- the flavery offin, and become the Servants of y God, the fruit is a life cf Holinets here, and fo are become dead to the law by the hereafter at theend everlafting happin, (. body of Chrift; that ye fhould be 23. Forthe wages of fin is death : married to another, even to him who but the gift of God is eternal life, is railed from the dead,that we fhould through Jefus Chrift our Lord. firing forth fruit unto God. 23. For the fervice of finis revvardrd with 4. Sodeath bath feparated the Law and the death, and this the Law ob'igeth thefillet ro t believing Jews. The Law being abrogated by Burt e fee gift ofGod through the Mediation thecoming, and Death, and Grace ofChrift, is of Chrift is Eternal Life : And this is it which dead to you, as you by Faith and Baptifm are in the Gofpel Covenant is proclaimed and be- dead to it that (b you (horrid be married to him flowed And doyou nut now fee bothhew ne- that carried this by his death, and is railed from ceffai y it is tohave a Saviou -, and a better Co- the dead,and bath railed you from the death of venant and way oflife than ?rllet's racer Laws finand guilt, and legal Condemnation, to a new or Man's own meritorious Works ; and thatour andholy life, that regeneration may caute you Gofpel is fa fir from favouring fir, that it de- to generate the holy fruit of Lore and good clareth the only way to be delivered, both from Works, and live hereafter unto God. E e guilt and power of it, and to be made holy 5, For when we were in the flefh, here, and happy for ever: the motions of fin which were bythe CHAP. VIT. law, did Work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. 1, TTNew ye nor, brethren, (for 5. For when vve were inour meet. corrupted 1 freak to them that know Nature, and only under a forbidding and con: the law) how that the law bath demising Law,witnout the Gofpel and its Grace, the Law did but irritate and Thew our Carnal dominion over a man as long as he tufts. and caute our Guilt and Condemnation, liveth. and did not eitherheal or pardon us. i.. I have tired the fimilitudesof a dead Man, and one rai fed from death, and ofa Servant, and one fet free and under another Matter ; I will not* add the fimil;tudeof a married Wo- 6. But nowwe are deliver?d from the Law, that being dead wherein we were held ;; that we Ihould fervd in