Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 7 : The lads is holy, an Romans. jufi; dgood, Ch. 71- in newnefs of fpirit, and not in the Prohibition ftirred upmy ill inclination, andalfo olilnefs of the letter. that I finned againft more knowledge. 9. For I was alive without the 6. i;ut now we are delivered from that Law, law once : but when the command- and fo from its manifold difficult impofitions, fin revived, and I died. all which we could not fulfil. and alfo from its ment came, t curie of thole that fulfil it not : Fork isaholi& 9. For if you fuppofe me only under the ed, and bindeth us no more : That nowwemay Common Law made to Noah and all Mankind. ferve God with new Hearts, and Lives, by the and the Promife made to him and to Abra_ Spirit ofChrift, according to the LawofGrace, ham, before the LawofMoles was made, I had and not Carnally in the bondage and terror of not then been under either that Sentence ofa the old Law. Temporal or an Eternal death, which by Mefis's Law are the wages ofmany fins, not before for_ 7. What than we fay then ? Is the bidden But when I amunder all thole Laws law fin ? God forbid. Nay, I had which curie or cut off all that do not the nu. not known fin, but by the law : for merous Tasks and Ceremonies there impeded, Ihad not known 1uß, except the law I am then becomea dead Man inLaw, and the p Law and fin rife up in power again me, and had laid, Thou (halt not covet. condemn me. 7. But think not by this that we infer, that I o. ,And the commandment which theLaw is bad or culpable, or the caufe of fin : ryas ordained to life, I found to be 1.11j Far be it from usI fo far am I from fuck a thought, that I teftifie that the Law is the for- to death. bidder, and difcoverer and condemner of fin : t o And the Commandment whichpromifed For I had not known my Heart's inordinate de. life to them that keep it, provedthe occafionof fires or lulls to be fo bad, if the Law hadnot, death to me. find, Thou malt not covet : For corrupt Nature I I . For fun taking occafion by the hardly difcerneth the evil ofits own inclination, commandment, deceived nie, andby fo be it break not out into A&, but is ready to it flewme. think it is blamelef becaufe it's Natural i s. For my fiuful nature called out to fo. S. But fin taking occafion by the much duty, and forbidden fo many things, be commandment, wrought in me all ing unable to do the duties, and prone to the manner ofconcupifcence. For with- things forbidden,by occafion of chis Law,lxcame_ out the law fin was dead. the guilty caufeof many a&uäl fins ofomitbioit and commifion , and as ill humours ftirred by F. But my own Soul hash florid inclinations a purge oft rage the more, fo did the pravityof and imperfe&ions, by original corruption and my nature. and fò I was made guilty ofdeath. the evil habits increafed by a&ual fin : And by 12. Wherefore the law n holy ; vviil, that aLaof backward good multitude of to e- and the commandment holy,and jriß, . cult, politice Precepts and Prohibitions, malting and good. me fo much work, and fo hard, is become mo. 72. Wherefore I teftifie'thatthe Law is pure rally impoffible for me perfe&by to fulfil : Had and holy, and jut}, and good : God juftly made I beenonly under the Law made to fallenAdam it: His Wildom and Holinefs mine fortis in is : and Noah, and all Mankind, a great number If Men be had and ill difpofed, Godmay ¡Oft- ofLegal Pofitives and Ceremonial; had never o- ly give themfilch Laws as theirbaelnefs is averfe bilged me; but thisLawbeing niade,and all theft to keep. And he had good and gracious ends things laid upon me which my corrupt Nature in giying it He made it indeed veryapareas, could not fulfil, prefently ray badnefs and dill. fomewhat like the Law ofInnocency to Adam, bility appeared in a great number ofA&s, which thoughnot that fame, but yet coujun& and fu- now became forbidden fin, and in the omillion bordinate to the Law and Promife of Grace, of things commanded : even as if youcommand which the ÿiras Atould have noted, and ufed it ignorant, weak, and illdifpofed Mee, a multi_ accordingly. tudeof futh particularsas none but the wifeand 13 . Was then that which is ood; well difpofed wilLkeep, it willoccafronthemto $ be guilty of a multitude of fins, which without made death unto me ? God forbid. thofeCanons or Laws would have been no fin, But fin that it might appear fin, fo my fin£ul Nature made this Law ofWorks, working death in me by that which au occafionof my guilt of a multitude ofa&ual fins; which without the Law would have been is good ; that Ìltl' by the cant-nand- fin, or not fo culpable, Betides that the ment might become exceeding finful. a 13. What