Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 7. rhe Corruption Romans. of Man'sNature. Ch. 7. 13, What then? Is the Law guilty of my fin 18. For I know that inme (that and death ? By no means : But the inward pia- is in my fleíh) dwelleth no good vity of my Soul, which elfe would have been , more latent, unknown, and not have brought thing : for to will is prefent with forth fo ranch a&ual fin anddeath, did by the me, but how to perform that which is good Law of God appear in is proper evil na- OOd I find not. ture, and 9iew how pregnant it was of a&ual g , fin, andhow averle to full obedience, and foby .18. ForI know that fo far as I have any cor- producing thefe a&ualfins, appeared and became ruption and carnality, I ana prcoe to evil and exceeding finful. not to good : For by the Grace of God I do 14. For we know that the law is truly desire pert&ion it felf; but I am cot a- f iritual : but I am carnal, fold un- lore to attain my desire, and CO be perfeft in p myobedience. der fin. 19. For the good that Iwould, I 14. For we all confefs that the Law being do not' but theevil which I would God's own Law, is Divine, Spiritual and Pure : not that I do. And the reafon why I do not fulfil it, and fo a cannot be juftified by it, is in my felf, who in F9 For my Naturebeing corrupt. and my My Corrupt Nature am Garnet, and under a Will but imperfe&ly renewed, though fincere, Moral neceffity of finning - againft it ; predomi- I cannot be as good as I would be, nor do all rìantly before Grace, and in part after the good whim I would do, nor avoid all the 15 For which I do, I allow evil which I would avoid, and fo cannot be ob not : for what I would, that do I f nl zo nNow if Iodo that I would not ; but what I hate, that do I. not,it is no more I that do it, but fin 15. I may well call it a Captivity, or a kind that dwelleth in me. ofhecellity, when m knowledge and unfeign- ed (though imperfe&3 willingnefs and delire, lo. Now Peeing the main bent ofmy Mind 'and my hatred of the fin, yet will not enable and Will is for perfe& obedience, andagainit all Me tobefo free from fin ; and fulfil the Law, fin, and it is by the inftigarion of the remnant as to be juaified by it (much lets will the un ofcarnality, that I em not finlefs and free from effe&uel convi&ions andwifhes ofthe unregene- all culpable infirmities, God will not impute .' this). For though I do nor in judgment that to mewhich I bate, and Is contrary to the approvemyfins end I have a delire perilftly to bent of my Heart and Life, fo much as that ,fulfil the Law of God, and I would be freed which I love and live for. from all fin ; yet I attainnot this perf&ion 2I . I find then a law, that when which I delire. I would do good, evil is prefent 16. If then I do that which I withme. wvould nor, Icontent unto the law, an. I find then in my Carnal part, an 112C11 that it is good. nation; which is a contradi&ing Law, which 16. Now if I did not juftifie the Law as good, ftrivetk fa much againli the Law ofGod, that I fhould not thus condemn my felf for breaking I oft fin contrary to tiny predominant Will, ir, nor delire thus perf ily to keep it: and when I would be finleft and per&Et, .yet 17. Now then it is no more I that "nun"' do it, but fin that dwelléth in me. ia. For I delight in the Iaw of 17. And becaufe the Underftanding and Will God, after the inward man. 23. But are the higheft faculties, and a Man is inGod's I fee another law in my members, account what he truly would be, thrrefore t warring againft the law of my mind, may fay, that (though it be my fin to have fo. and bringing me into captivity to inordinate a fénfitive inclination, and fo imperó g g p Y fe& a Mind and Will which Luigi better rule the law of fin, which is in my ir,) yet his not filch a fm as Iheweth thepredc, members, fninantdifpofitionof my Soul, and denominetet6 22, 23. For I delight in the Law of Ged; the Mua, but is contrary to the refolvedbent after the inward del ght ch is the of m ofmy heart and life ; and therefore the Lord of y Grace will not judgeme according to thatwhich Mind and Will, But my corrupt fenfual incline_ iis but my imperfe&ion, end whichI more hate on is like a contrary Law, which warreth a- than love, and would unfeignedly be u4 Ì14ír gainft my Judgment and Will, and like a Cap- >c is ea reigning fin that I con :fs: ttyet am brought by ir under a neceffty offa. ytjrrj[ fo far as that nay obedience is imperfe&, aft