Ch.7.7be Lash in our Members Romans. againf that of ourmind. Ch 7 and fo unjnflifiable by the lawof Works, (as in Chrift our Lord. So then with the the antegcperáte fin Both reign.) .mind I my felf ferve the law of God i z4. O-wretdied man that I am, but with the flefh the law of fin. who (hall deliver me from the body 2 s. But asI have toldyou cfmy mifery by na- of this death ! ture, under the Law, I will tell you of ti y re- s¢. So far am I then from being juftified by medy: I rejoyce in thankfulnefs to God f at bath this Law; that while it calleth for morepetfeet abrogated the Law, and fan&ifled my nature by óbedience to its hard and numerous precepts than JefusChrift: Andfo I conclude, that my renewed nay fiefs! Soul can perform, and fo condenateth MindandWill fodefirethpefe&ion, that IWould me; it dothbut Thew me how had andmiferable befüilefs; and keep all the Law which God Ball i am, and make mecry out, O wretched Man, impale and continue; but my flefhly inclination who Ball deliver me from this finning deadly maketh this finlefsperfe&ion too hard for my at- AéB ? tainmenr, and therefore I cannot be ju(tified by z y. I thank God, through Jefus fo hard and rigorous a Law. ANNOTATIONS. Hough Expofitorsare much difegreed whethea St. Paull here defcribe a Man Unregenerateunder the meer Law, or an Inperfe6t Man, how fincere foever; yet no fuch Do&rival Controverfie dependeth on this Difference, as the Ignorant and Contentious do imagine. For they thatthink that hedefcribeth theCafe ofa Carnal Lcgalift, or 7cm, fuppofe that he (jaeaketh of their committing againft knowledge, and uneffe&ual wifhes, the reigning Sins called Mortal, and live an ungodly Life; and that tir is not , bur fn] fignifieth only [My fuperiour Faculties have Come uneffe&ual relu&ancy, and are convinced that the Law is good]: And that by r..,,ptiviry to the Law offin] is meant, a flavit Life ofpredominant Senfuality. And doubtlefs fuch there are, ofwhom all this is true. And chofe that think that he fpeaketh ofhimfelfeven in his Regenerate (late, and fo of all Men, do think that it is not a Life ofWickednefs, or Mortal Sin, thathe defcribeth, nor a Captivity to ir, but unavoidable imperfeófion, calledVenial Sint to the fame fenfè as St. 'jabot faith, If we fay that we have nofrn,: Pere it no truth in us. And that [It is not Ibut fin? lignifieth but that a Man ¡hall be accounted and judged by God according to what is.predoeainant in his Mind, Will and Life. And I mo{t incline to this Expoution, t. 13ecaule the other feemethforced, which muft notbe received without necefliry. a. Aecaufe the Apofile is riot onlyproving that the Law will not jufti_ fie anUnregenerate legal 7em, but that itwill juftifie no man, ]tow good (never. 3. And T. do not believe that theunregenerate can truly fay as he, [I delight in the Law f God], and Cr. mil is pro- fent with ma), and [I myf:f its Mindfèrve the Law of Göd]. 4. Many Paffages are plainly appli- cable to Panl in his Chriftiau Bate, C H A P. VIII. I.Tlitre is therefore now no-cpn- deinnation to them which are in Chrift Jefus, who walk not after the flefh, but after the Spirit. t. It is not then the Law that jaftifieth us, but- Faith in Chrift; and all that are inhim are ácldt from the curie and condemnation of the Law, (and alfb of tine Law of Nature) for their lin is pardoned, and they are regenerate, and live not now after the flefhly inclination or Law, bur under the Spiritual Low of Grace, by a fpiritual inclina. tion wrought in them by the Holy Ghoft, which is given them by Chrift. z. For the law of the Spirit of life in Chrift Jefus, hath made me free from the law of fin and death. z. For the Covenant of Grace which giveth the Spirit, and the Spirit fo given me by Cheift, ìtei,ng not a killing but agnickening Law, giving me internal and Spiritual Life,and Tide toSternal life, hash made tn., free from. the Power and Rule of my Carnal Inclination, and from the Obliga.. tion and Condemnation ofMofes's Law. . 3. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flefh, God fending his own Son in the likenefs of finful fle(h, and for fin condemned fin in the flefh : 3. For when t'-e meer Law could; neither jullifie nor Regenerate as ltecaufe our (tiff!,: pravtty was uncapable hereof, God fending his own Son in flefh like ours which is fìnful, though without fin, as a Sacrifice for fin, and example of perfe& Holinefs, thereby Bewed his enmity to fin, and began the holy enterprife of its de- fru&ion. 4. That the righteoufnefs of the law might be fulfilled in lis, who z wall