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Ch.S. The works oftheAil; Romans. and the fpirit. Ch. 8, 9. But you are not in this CarnalRate; and under thedominion ofthe fient, iftheSpirit of God do not only provokeyou towards goodnefs, but alto dwell in you and poffefs you; For it is a powerful Spirit, and will overcome the Flats But ifany Man have not this indwelling, illumi- nating, quickening, fanaifying Spirit, heis not a true Chrißian, and Caved byChriß: He may be baptized, and deceive the Church, and pats for a vifible Member ofit. and fo for a Chtiftian among Men, but Chrift will not own him as a livingMember to Jußiflcation andSalvation. 1 o. And ifChrift be inyou, the bo- dy is dead becaufe of fin ; but the Spirit is life, becaufeofrighteoufnefs. to. And if Chrift byhis Spirit and Govern- ment be andiule in you, the Boiy whichbath fill tome inordinate finful inclinations, and back- wardaefstogod, lhall die for fin ; but your Spi- rits being quickened by the Spirit ofGod, unto Holinefs and 'unification, are in a hate of life begun, and %hall not die as the Body Both, but live with Chrift, by whom they live. 11. But if the Spirit of him that raifed upJefus from the dead, dwell in you ; he that railedup Chrift from walk not afterthefleth, but after the Spirit. 4. That the true Righteouínefs which the Law was made to lead Mento, might be found inus, ' and the true ends of the Law obtained by us, who live now by the Spiritual Principle and Rule, and not by the Carnal Principle and Letter. S. For they that are after the flefh, do mind the things of the fleth : but they that are after the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. p. For the unregenerate who are under the Dominion ofa Carnal Difpofidon, tho theymay loe under the terror of a threarning Law, do Still favour, love, and mind nothing fo much as flefhly l ttereß and Pleafure: But they whole Souls are renewed by the Holy Spirit, and live by Faith on Spisitual.Promifes, do mind, love, and feels moß Spiritual welfareandfelicity 6. For to be carnally minded, is death; but to be fpiritually minded, is life and peace : 6. 6. For the true flare ofmifery called Death in the Soul, which is the way to everlafting Mi- fery, confrfteth in its being turned from the love of God and Holinefs,tothe loveo£Carnalinteren thedead, thallalfoquicken your MOT- and Pieafure: and the true fate of Spiritual sal bodies, by his Spirit that dwel- Life and Felicity, confifteth in the love of leth in God and Holinefs, and theSouls perfedtion. y. $¢Gaut¢ the carnal mind is en- from i. But ifthe Spirit ofhim that railed up Jèfus 7. the dead dwell in you, he thatby this fame miry againft God : for it is not fub- Spirit oflife and power railed up Chriß from the jedt to the law ofGod, neither indeed dead, heh to ti áop Spiri- tual fis begun a both Soul anbo_ can be. dy to himfelf, will not only glorifie your Souls, 7. Becaufe the Carnal Unregenerate Mind, but alto raife and Cave your Mortal Bodies, by having a predominant inclination to inferiour that fame Almighty Spirit which railed Chriß, fenfual intereßs and delights, and a privation, and fanáifted you. yea and enmity to things Spiritual and Holy, . 12. Therefore brethren, we are bath thereby an enmity to the Holy Laws and Ways ofGod, andconfeq sently toGod as Holy: debters notto the flefh, to live after For it is not fubje& to the Law ofGod, which the flefh. 13. For if ye live after is quite againft their finful life and inclination, the flefh, ye shall die : but if ye nor indeedcan be, while it fo continueth; there being a contrariety betweentheir. Inclinationsand through the Spirit do mortifie the the Lawof God. deedsof the body, ye thall live. 8. So then they that are in the flab, the 13. By which oweoourmchief yy f e that ea, is not cannot pleafeGod. and obedience, nor after the lufts of which we 8. So that they that are Unregenerate are and lltould live: For it is this fìnfid flelhlylife that Carmel, cannot pleat¢ God while they loch ; tauketh death, and tendeth unto future mifery : becaufe they cannot, through the that pleafe of But ifby the Spirit you mortifie thole9elhly lofts their own Wills, do the things t¢ him, and deeds, whichCarnal Men obey and praelife, what legal re are foever they be under. this beginning ofSpiritual Life will end in future ye 9. But not in the Heil:, but lifeandhappine£s. in the Spirit, if fo be that theSpirit 14. For as many as are led by the of God dwell in you. Now if any Spirit of God, they are the fons of manhave not theSpirit of Chrift, he God. is none of his. 4. For as manylas are Principled and Ruled by