Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch.B. The works'of the flefh Romans. and the fpsrst. 8., by God's Spirit and fpiritual LawofGrace, are they flop any Man from entertaining the Do&rine God's Children: And God will not fórfake, lofe, ofthe Croe, and purfuing his Celeftial hopes. ordefroy Ms Spiritual Children. 19. For the earneft expedtation of 15. For ye have not received the the creature waiteth for themanifefta- fpirit of bondage again to fear; but Lion of the Eons of God. ye have received the Spirit ofadopti- ts. For all the frame of Nature ftrongly tend- on, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. Ing to is own perfe&ion, (and God annihilateth IS. For the Spirit which you have now re- not the Natural or Senfttive Creatures, thmghhe ceived is not that of a Slave, which doth no diffolve theCompolition) they do as it were wait good but for fear ofpunilbmeut (and the meet for their better Rate and deliverance from the Law without Gracecould give no better) but you CurCe caufed by Mau fins, till the manifeftation have received the Spirit of Adoption , which ofthe Gloryof the Sons of God ; with whom, giveth you an inclinationofdependence, love and and for whom they Mall have their reftauration, truft in God, much like that which a Child bath as with Man they fell under theCurCe. by nature tohis Father. to thécollationofwhich 20. For the creature was made Childlike love, truft andnature, the wondrous fubjed to vanity, not willingly, but revelationofGod's love in Chrift, and the free by reafon of him who bath fubjeCcted giftsof his Grace, were Spiritually fitted. 16. The Spirit it felfbeareth wit- thefame in hope : 20. For fo much ofthe World as was made for nets with our fpirit, that we are the Man, and marr'd or curled f r man's fake, Co was children of God. made fubje t to this Curfe and Mutation, not for r 6. Andtohave, this fpirit of God dwelling in its own fin, nor by its own choice, but by thefin us, and Canaifying us, is a certain evidence or of Man, even by that God who fuhje&ed its teftimony in and with our ownSpirits and Con- condition to the free will and Rate ofMan, and fciences, that God doth fpecialiy love us, and fro to Infer with and for him, but with a purpofe take us for his Children, having let his fpecial to reft.-re it with him unto its integrity. mark upon us : For we could not love him as a 21. Becaufe thecreature it felfal- Father, and he not loveus as his Children. And fo (hall be delivered from the bondage this Spirit alto helpeth our Confciences Co difcern and exercife this feelingGrace, and to rcjoyce ofcorruption, into theglorious liber- therein. ty of the children of God. - 1 7. And if children, then heirs ; zt. Becau&e the Natural and Senfsiive parts of heirs of God, and joynt-heirs with the Worldthat were fobjed}ed to the ufe ofMan, Chrift : if fo be that we fuller with and'fell under a CurCe by Man, !hall be deliver- ed with Man from that Curfe and Bondage, and bim, that we may be alto glorified Corruptibility, into a ftateof liberty and ufeful together. perfrltion fishable to the Glory of the Children 17. And ifthis Seal ofthe Spirit prove us Sons, ofGod, for whom they were made. it provethus Heirs ofthe purchafed Kingdom, or 22. For we know that the whole Heavenly Inheritance, for filch are all the Sons of creationgroneth andtravaileth in pain God; Heirs of God, and Co-heirs with Chrift; together until now : but, fo that there is 'a farther condition of our 22. For it is evident, that the whole Natural po(felfion, even that we cake up the Crofs and and Subjchive World which was thus fubje&ed his ul Sufferings, ! a Go call be conformed to him in t Man and curled for him, is like a Woman in if God us to it, thatfo by the the pangs or expo&anon of Childbirth, and fame way we may come to be glorified together groaneth till it be delivered with us at that time with him, ofreftoration. 18. For I reckon, that the fuffer- 2.3. And not only they, but our ingsofthis prefent time, are not wor- felves alto which have the firft-fruits , thy to be compared with the glory of the Spirir,evenweour felves grone which [flail be revealed in us. within our felves, waiting for the a- Is. For though we swift fuller in this lifer donne n to wit, the redemption of with Chrtft, and for his (Ate. and by God's Cor. bod,y. retdion for our Sin,, having in my reckoning our compared them with the promifed eff`Cts and 23. And if this be their cafe, much inure do end, I fully refolve the cafe, that they arenot we who have the Spirit of God, which is the worthy to be compared with the Glory which in Pledge, Earneft, and firft fruit of Glory, ¡Leibnt theSatson fls ll be %only manifetted; nor fhoald our :elves burdened with fin, temptations and. Z 3 ftfferings