Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 8. Predefination Romans. and Eleaion. Ch. S. fufferings in the World, and yet Short ofour ex- communicate Spiritual Life, Light and Love to peeled Glory, feel our felves a, a Woman inTra- us, fo he is a Spirit ofSupplicationand Adoption vel, groaning for deliverance, andlonging forthe in us, and the fpring of all our holy delires and bleffd inheritance, yea,. even the Refurredion motionsGodward, and that onlywhich is ofhim ofthe Body it fei , to which we were Adopted, is accepted of God; for he moveth us to ask 24. For we are Paved by hope : what p:eafeth God, and to fubälit to his Will, Bur hope that IS Peen, is not hope and retameth us the anfwer of our Prayers in in-. l : ward ftrength and confólation. for what a man feeth, why doch he 28. And we know that all things yet hope for ? work together for good, to them that zq. For Our prefent í{ate Salvation is not in love God, to them who are the called fight and Rill poffeflion, but in the hope ofunfecn things that are promis'd, and this hope will bring according to his purpofe. us topoffefion. But ifwe had fight andpoffeion 28. For we know that all the cóurfe of Gods of it, wecould not be Paid to live by thehopes of providence, and particularly all our fufferings for it, fir why fhould we be Paid to hope for that hint, do by God's overruling ordination work which We fee and poffefs ? together for our good, even to carry on them 2 5. But i fwe hope for that we fee that love hint to Salvation ; who are called here- , then do we with patience wait to according to the benevolent. purpofe of his ownWill. for ir. 29. For whom he did foreknow, z 5. But hoping for that which we never flow he all() didpredeftinate to be conform- or pofleffed, we do with patience under all de- lays and tuffrings wait for the defired attain- cd to the image of his Son, that he ment and poffehon. might be the firft-bornAmong many 26. Likewife the Spirit allo help- brethren. eth our infirmities : for we know not 29. For thofe whom he fore-knew and pue- wkat we Mouldpray for as we ought: pot d to gloritìe, he alt() predeffinated as the way h 1 k Pe et inter- but the Spirit it lf ma[ to their Glory, to be conformed co the Imageof p his Son, in holiuefs and patient flittering, that ceffion for us with gronings 'which his Church as Predicen might be like their Head cannot be .uttered. 'and eldeft Brother. 26. And the Spirit which God hath given us, 3o. Moreover, whomhe did pre- helpeth as againfflour Infirmities of Hope and deftinate, them he alto .called : and Prayer ; and under our fufferings and diftrefres; Whom he called, them he allo juftifi- for weare unmeet judges ofour own neceffa[ies and ccnditiou, and the flcfla is too prone to dcfire cd : and whom he juftihed, themhe its:owncatit and fafty: But the Spirit ofChuift allo glorified. in us, teed-bah and inclinethus to go to God as 3o. And thole whomGod thus predeftivateth to`a merciful alfudeient Father, and to pour out to he conformed to Chrift, them ist time he (f- our Souls complaints before him, at leach with feltt ally called to repent and believe in Chrift; groans, when we cannot utter thenwith Wards; and thole whom he thus called, and made true and to cry, .AbbaFather, and to refer our f: Ives Chriftians, he juftiheth, both making them jug unto his Wiflom, and calf our cafe in am& on by pnrdonning their fin, and giving them his ln- 1im. dwelling Spirit of Love and Holinefs, anejtµc- 27. And he Ihat feaftheth the coming them _lull, fòr he merits ofChrift; and hearts, knoweth what is the mindof Cl rt {}whom he thus juftifieth, he will gtnri=tewith the Spirit; becaufe he iraketh inter- -3 t. What fall we then fay to ceffionfor the faints, according to the there things? IfGod be for us, who willofGod. can be"againft us ? 27. And God that (herchen t the Heart, know-3 t. What then Tali we fay, when we confider nth the meaning of there very groat, excited hÿ all this, hut with joyful thankfulnefs conclude, his Spirit, which we want words to exprefs: For that God is for his Saints their Father and Pro - he knoweth what his own Spirit moveth us to Cedar, and therefore they have no tahii to fear ask, end what &fires come feom.himself; for es any that are again& them, hose great, osean}', Chrift is in Heaven our interceffor with the Fa- or &rong foever5 that is, not frar their ¡sower, t her, fo the Holy Spirit feet down into w Hearts, fo he we take heed that the draw usnot rotin, is out Interc, floc wish the Fats a and the' Son; y for as he is Chriff s bgsiir and Witnefs in us, .to 32. Ile that 1pafcd not his own; Son,