Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. 8. What canfever us Ro Son, but delivered him úp for usall, how (hall he not with him alto freely give us all things ? p. He that fpared not hisown Son, notthink- ing him too precious a gift, but delivered him tip to (Lifer as a Sacrifice to procure the pardon of finand falvation, to be givento all by a Con- ditional Covenant of faith and acceptance, and a&uallyto pardon andfave all true Believers,that accept him, how can it be that hedsould think any thing elfe, which we need, toogood forus, and not freely give all other things with Chrift to vs that believingly accept him? See I lob. I. II, IT. 33 Who (hall lay any thing to the charge ofGod's ele1 ? It is God that juftifieth 33. Ofhou? little moment is It what errone- ous and malignant Men lay to the chargeofGod's Elea (accufmg them as breakers of their. Laws) whilft God himfelf cloth juRifie them ? 34. Who is he that condemneth ? Is is Chrift that died, yea rather that is rifen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who altomaketh interceffion for us. 34. What, or who is he that condemneth chafe whom Almighty God cloth juRifie? Whit is theSentence ofa Worm, a Sinner, anda blind- ed Enemy to be fet againi God's Sentence? It is Chrift that died for our fins, to deliver us from the Lawaad Curie, that juftifieth Believ- ers here on Earth ; yea, I fay more to our coni - lotion, It is Chrift that is rifen again, and ad- vanced in Glory, Head over all things to -his Church, who effe&ually intercedeth for us, and will finally juRifie usas our judge. 35. Who (hall feparate us from the love of Chrift ? (hall tribula- tion, or diftrefs, or perfecution, or famine, or nakeduefs, or peril, or fword ? 3 t. Andwhen God by filch an incomprehenfi- ble Miracle of mercy, declared fuch unfpeakable love to us in Chrift, who or what can be fuppo- mans, from the love ofGod? Ch. 8. fed to have power, to dilfolve this bond of mu- tual love ? viz.. to feparate us lien God's love to us, and our thankful return of love to him ? Shall Tribulation, or Diftrefs, or Famine, or Nakednefs, of Peril, or Sword, or .any thing that Men can do ; which are little matters, and all work to our good, and none of them fignifie or caufe God's forfakingus, nor Mall caufe us to forfaite him. 36. (As it is written, For thy fake we are killed all the day long:: we are accounted as (beep for the flaughter). 36. We may fay as the Pfalmift cloth, 44.22. For thy fake we are killed all the day long. &c. 37. Nay in all there things we are more than conquerours, through him that loved us. 37. Yea, all there are hut the occafions.ofour triumph, when weov come them all as they . are temptations. It were not fo much to us to con- quer all our Enemies and Perfecutors in fight, asitis by. Faith and,Patience to overcome their perfecutiona. 38. For I amperfwaded, that nei- ther death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities,nor powers nor things prefent, nor things to cone, 39. Nor height,nor depth, nor any other crea- ture, (hall be able to feparate us from the love of God which is in Chrift )efus our Lord. 38, 39. For I am perfwaded that the bandof Clove between God and all true Confirmed Chri- Rians, made in and by our Mediator Chrift,. is fo Rrong and fure, that it will never be diffoi- vedby the terrours ofDeath, or the love of this Life, nor by malignant Spirits, by Principalities or Powers. Satan or his inftruments of Rrength and'violence, by what now Both, orwhat here- after thanbefit us, or affault us; by any things above us, or beneath us, exaltation or deje&ion, nor by the power ofanyCreature: Nothing ha-h power to caufeGod to ceafe loving us, or us to ceafe loving God. ANNOTATIONS. I. THe Controverfres raifed about the firft fourteenvertes, ofthe fulfilling of the Righteoufnefs of the Law ; of the Carnal and Spiritual Rate of Mind, crc. are Sufficiently decided is the . Paraphrafe. It So is that of the Spirit ofBondage and Adoption, and that of the Witaefs ofthe Spirit with ourSpirits, ere. in the Paraphrafe on the i y and 16 Verles. III. His Expofition ofthe 19, 20, 21, and saVerres which fe&gneth them to (peak of the Hea- thenWorld, !lath fo many and palpable Violences, that I think it not worth the labour ro give a particular Confiscation ofthem. But ifmany things about the Creatures Reftoration be y. u nicuowa and unrevealed to us, it followeth not, that therefore it is unknown whether a Reftoration them Ruhbe The heavenscgult containChrift till the time of this Reftoration. And his Violence is x 4 3i