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411 Ch 9. Paul's Romans. Zeal. 4, 5, Who are the poierityof ,Abraham, Ifaac, and yacob, adopted of God to be tohim a Holy Nation above all Peopleof the Earth ; who had the Ark andTemple, where God oft (hewed his prefence by a Glory, and with whom the Co- venant ofPeculiaritywas made and oft renewed : Towhom God gave the Law fomHeaven, and appointed all the Services or Worthip therein commanded, and gave them the Promifeof the Menial: and his Grace and Kingdom (though now they nndaeland them not The beloved Fathers were that Anceffors, for whole fakes they were lift taken into this Covenant of Pe- culiarity; and (which is their greater Honour) Chrift is of their Stock and Nation accotding to the Flefh, in whom all Nations of the Earth are 4lefì'ed, being himfelf over all, God bleffed for ever- Theft are their great and excellent Pri- vileges. 6. Not as though the word of God bath taken none effect. For they are not all Ifrael, which are of Ifrael : 7. Neither becaufe they are the feed of Abraham, are they all children : but in Ifaac pall thy feed be called. 6, 7. But what, Both itfollow, that all God's Frontifes to the Yews ofa Savionr had taken no effedh, bemale the mob of them believe not 1 for many thoufands of them are converted, be- tides the Gentiles: And It is not all that were the Off_fppring of yacob, that God ever pro- inifed to lave: but as he made the Promifes to .Abraham and !fem., and yet took not Ïpmael nor Elate into the Dateof Peculiarity,'fo he may ditinguiflt ofthe Seed oftheir pofterity, as wail as he did of theirs; without breaking his Pro- mife to them. They arenot all the Children of the Promife ofLife, that are.Abrabams's natural Seed: lfaaés Seed had the Peculiarity, and fo have now the behaving part. 8. That is, They which are the children of the fle(h, thefe are not the children of God: but the chil- dren of the promife are counted for the feed. 8. That is, They which are the Çbhslrcn of the Hen:, are not, as filch, theChildren of God, but only thofè to whom hemade the fpecial. prow inure ofGrace and Glory; thefe are the feed of Promife indeed. 9. For this ec the wordofprom ife, At this time will I come, and Sara (hall have a fon. 10. And not onlay but when Rebecca alfn bad con- ceived by one, even by our father Ifaac. Ch. 9. ', to. For the Promife plainly diftiagshlseth of the Natural Seed, and is made to Sara's Son, and not to Hagar's ; to7acob, and not toEfate ; and therefore, it is notto the Natural Seed as fuch, and to themall. I r. (For the children being not yet born, neither 'havingdone any good or evil, that the purpofe of God ac- cording to election might ftand, not of works, but of him that calleth) 1 a. It was Paid unto her, The elder fhall ferve the younger. II, 12, For before the Children were born, or had done good or evil, (that God's purpofe might hand, bywhich he chofe or preferred one before theother, not becaufe ofthe difference of their works, but bythe abfoluteWill ofhim that is the Lord ofall, and may freely ditributehis bounty as he pleafe,) it was faid toher, The elder pall Arms the ',amigo., (as exprefing God's diffe- rentingpower and purpofe.) 13. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, bur Efau have I hated. I a. As the Prophet Malachi, t, s, 3. faithof the Felt-mites and the rfraelites long after, yacob and his Ifraelites I have Loved, and chafen into the Covenant of Peculiarity; but the Idamean Potency of Efate, I have reje &ed out of that Privilege ofPeculiarity, and have expofed their Country towate and ruin; even as God prefer- eel the Perfon of yacob before Efate's, who was the Firh-born, and was rejed}ed from the Birth- right and Peculiarity. 14. What (hall we fay then ? Is there unrighteoufnefs withGod? God forbid. 14. But what, Both ithence follow, that God unjust, for making fuch an unmerited diffe- rence t Not at all. 15. For he faith to Mofes, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compafïion on whom I will have compafiìon. , 15. For ashe faith by Mots, I will havemer- cy and companion on whom I will ; fo, no doubt, but he may and loth as he pleafeth, without giving us any realm but hisWill, give hisfree gifis, with difference and difpeapporuón, to Tome that dcf rve them not, pan-mg by others: And if h: call the undeferving Gentiles, our Eye midi not be evil becaufe he is good. 16. So then it is not ofhim that willeth, nor ofhim that runneth, but of God that fheweth mercy. 16. So that the realm why the fistful Gentiles (or any unworthy. (inner) is called, while the 7eros-