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Ch. 9 The Yews Peek Romans. Righteoufnef by the Law. Ch.q. them, Ye arenot my people ; there !hall they be called, the children of the living God. 26. And as the words, Hof. t. Io. thew that God willcall even unworthy outcafts, and make them his People by free Grace. 2,7. Efaias alto crieth concerning Ifrael, Though the number of the childrenof Ifraelbe as the fand ofthe fea, a remnant thall be favéd. 27. Which differencing Grace, God expref. féthevenof the lfraelites, I/a. to. 32, 33. that cfall their number, it is but a remnant that shall efcape his Judgment, and return from captivity, fignifyingthe like differenceas to their Salvation by the Faith ofChrift, 28. For he will finifh the work, and cut it (hors in righteoufnefs : be-- caufe a Short work will the Lord make upon the earth. as. Or the Confumption decreed Stall over- flow in Jufice; for the Lord God of Hogs !hall make a Confumption, even determined in He midtt ofall theLand, Cre. 29. And as Efaias Paid before, Ex- cept the Lord of fabbath had left us a feed, we had been as Sodoma, and been.made like unto Gomorrha. 23. And that differencing mercy decreed to rave a little remnant; the ocher words of !fay prove, Except the Lord, &c. 30. What fhall we fay then? That the Gentiles which followed not af- ter righteoufnefs, have attained to righteoufnefs, even the righteoufnefs which is of faith : 3o, What flail we fay then to th's mytery of Grace (the calling of the Gentile world, and the abfciffion ofthe moll ofthe present Nation of the laws) which fo much offendeth them? That the Gentiles, who lived indarknef and unrighteouf- ,1ef, have attained Righteoufrefs (in reality and imputation) even that which is by Faith inChrift 31. But Israel, which followed af- ter the law of righteoufnefs, bath not attained to the lawof righteoufnefs. 31. But Ifraol, who had G'd's own Right( ous L15í, and trolled to he juftificd by keeping it, have not uudcrSood the TrueLaw, and ceyps of Juftification, nor have attained that JuSifying Righceoufnefs to which their Lawdidpoint them. . 32.Wherefore ? Becaufe theyfought it, notby faith, but as it were by the works ofthe law : for they Rumbled at that Rumbling ftone; 32. And whereforehave they not attained it ? Becaufe theyunderSood not that the Promife and Covenant ofGrace was the very life and founda- tion, andend of the Law, bywhich they should by Faith have expedited Juftification, asGod's free gift to true Believers; but thought it mutt be had bythe Righteoufitefsoftheirown Works, inkeep. Rig all theCeremoniesand Precepts ofthat Law: For Chrif became to them a StumblingStone, in whom they Should havebelieved. 33. As it is written, Behold, I lay in Sion a Stumbling ftone, and rock of offence : and whofoever believethon him, (hall not be ashamed. 33. As it is written, ¡fa. z8. 16. Behold I lay in Sion a Stone which many will Rumble and fall upon, though it be the precious Foul dation-Rone, and a Rock that many fhall be split 'upon, though that on whichmy Church is built ; and whosoever believeth on him, !hall not be difappointed nor thorned ofbis hopes. So that the cauCe why Ifra.j is call off, is not becaufe God Cent nothis Son and Gospel to them, nor invited them to believe, nor gave them evi. dance of the Truth of Christ, wlti.:h wasl'uffici. cut to convince a well-difpofedmind; much lefs, becaufe he hind'ed them from believing, or he- caute he 1hewed-mercy to the Gentiles; but be. cause by error they hardned themfelves againft CbriS, as not anfweringtheir Carral erroneous expectations. For though God would glorifie the riches of his Grace by JeSus ChriS, yet was it not his Will to reveal him in fuch visible MajeSy and Glory, as thould ofit fellnecellitate and force Men to believe in him; For then Faith would have been no workofTryal, nor fit for a Reward, but filch as' the wicked and fenfital might per-, form But G d would fo reveal his Son, as that Faith might hive fufficienc encouragement and he'p. and yet such difficulties as might make it proper to hones Souls, and fit for a reward ; fo that thofe that will be bialSud byprejudice and worldly intereS, will Rumh'e and fall on the Rock which they should be built on but to them that frncerely truft and obey hint he might be the author ofEternal Salvation, and be the Power and Wifdom ofGod. .ANNOT ATIONS. t His Chapter is ordinarily mifunderftood, 1. Becauf. Men obf eve not what it is that Paul is ',raving. a. And b_ca.t6 ih, y diftiuguidt not Gods Ads which he Both as an Owner and Benefa.`tor, from ih. fe ntt, of juftice which Ile Both as Res,{or to Subjeeus under his Laws and Covenants.