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Ch. I o.' BelieversJ12411 Romans) be Jawed. Ch. I o: C H A P. X. 13,10 fhall defcend into the deep ? (or, it is hid Y.$Rethren, myhearts defreand prayer fróm us like the depths of the Sea, and who mall fetch it to our Knowledge?) But as it to God for Ifrael is, that they might be faved. z. For I bear them record, that faith, The word is nigh !bee; God hathnot con - theyhave a zeal ofGod, but not according ceale t it, but Pent it from Heaven : Chrift is to tthav ea e. comedown to make known God and his Word; and he is rifen, and gone to intercede for us in r, 2. My great define and prayer to God for Heaven : And he bath broughthis Gofpel both *stet, is, that they may be converted andCaved : tó our Eyes;- Mouth, and Ears, and writeth it And it is laudable in them that they havea by his Spirit in our Hearts. And Mofes there Zeal ofGod, and his Law and Wortitip ; but it feemeth to intend fich a way of Righteoufnefs is fiuftrate, becaufe mifguided by error. by free Grace to the Repenting Ifeoelites. And I. For they being ignorant of Gad's this is it which our Preaching fullyer revealeth righteoufnefs, andgoing bout to eftablifh co you. their own righteonfnefss,, have not fubmit- 9 That if thou (halt confers with thy red themfelves unto the righteoufnefs of mouth theLord Jefus, and fhalt believe in God. thine heart, that Godhath raifedhim from 3. For they being ignorant. of God's way of thedead, thouShalt be faved. Juftificatiou and Righteoufuefe, intended as the 9 That if thou confefs Chrift before Men, end ofthe Law, and freely given by Grace, notwithftandingperfecution ,andown him asChilit and filly now revealed in the Gorki by Jefus before the World, and believe truly and heard- Chrift, and trufting to their own Works of the ly that God railed him from the dead, and Lawas a fufficient Righteoufnefs to juftifie them, thereby witneiled that he owned him, and jut- have by their errour rejeeted God's free Gift of ftrfied the truth of his Gofpel, thou Shalt be JuftilicaticnbyFaith in Chrift. raved (as well as juftified. For to juftifie a Man, 4 For Ghrift is the end ofthe law for is partly to juftifie his Right to Salvation.) righteoufnefs to.everyone thatbelieveth, to. For with the heartmanbelieveth un- to For they fhould have uudetftood, that the eflion is teouf unt falvatine mouthcon- fenfe and ufe of the Law is to lead them for Righteoufnefs to Chrift, who is its end, and pre- o. Por thefe two make up theGofpe! terms 'figured in its Sacrifices andother Types. of Life : To give up Spul and Body to Chrift ; if thou believe fincerely in himwith thy Heart, j. For Mofes defcribeth the righteouf- thouwilt be accepted for his Merits by God as nefs which is of the law, That the man Righteous ¡ and if thou conftantly confers and which doeth thofe things fhall live by own him, whatever thou fnffer by it from Men, them. byWard and Deed, in obedience and patience, S: For though the Lawdo point Men toa bet thou malt poffefs the Salvation to which thy Ju- ter Righteoufnefs, yet in it felf as a Law, it fttfication initiallygave thee right. owneth nothing as a Righteoufhefs.fufficient to . ' t;. For the fcripture faith, Whofoever Junification, bac that which Mores thus dcfcrils- believethonhim, hall not be afhanted; rth, Lev. 18. g. The Man that Both thefe r. For, Ira. F. t6. God bath promifed no in things, and breaketh not thisLaw, mall live by his Word, that whoever believethon him, and them. trufteth hint on his Promife, and prattically 6. But the righteoufnefs which is offaith, placeth his hope accórdingly, Thall never be dir- fpeaketh on this wife, Say not in thine appointed and afhauxd of that Hope. heart, W.ho fhall: afcend into heaven? t2.. For there is no difference between (that is to bring Chrift down from above); theJew and the Great : for the fame Lord 7. Or, Who íha11 defcend into the deep? over áll, is rich unto all that call upon (that is to bring up Chrift again from the him dead): 8. But what faith. it? The woi.d' is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in t a. For God is no reflpráet of perins, and thy heart : that is the word of faith faveth-not Men, or reje&eth Men, becaufe which we preach. they are ysws or Greeks. 'the Law of Grace Both equally pardon and jultifie yew and Gen- e, 7, 8. But 1 may dcfcribe the Righteoufnefs tile that truly repent and believe, and no other: which is of Faith to the Words of Mofs, He is the fame Lord over all, and is Rich in Dent. 3n. Say nor in, rby:Heart, . Who Mall al: Mercy to all that call on him in Faith, (for when rend ;nto Heaven, (or how can we knowGod's he proclaimed his Name to Mores, Ezod, 34. [as (Will, that never were in Heaven? OrwhoShall gracious and merciful, forgiving iniquity, Iran{ 'Iaririb es thence a certai.h Meffengger ofit)? Or, greffiión and fin, ehe 1 it wis his very Nature and