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Ch. i o. Believers pall Romans. be faved. Ch. r o, Decree by-Which whichhe would be known to lence of the Gofpel, and the preachingçfit, doth all the World,and not only by the ewa) not luppofe that all that haveit will be converted 13. For whofoever fha11 call upon the ha it f thbelietod our Rper; ?2 FewCdid 'hearken to nane of the Lord íha11 be faved. the Prophets, rfa, 5 3. I. 13. For as it is laid, yool. 2. 32. .Vhofoever 17. So then faith cometh by hearing, and (hall call on the name ofthe Lord, ¡hall be faved ; hearing by the word ofGod. that ie, ofwhat Nation (Dever he be, ifhe truly 17 It is evident, that theymat hear, that feék God, he will be found of him ; and if he they may believe ; and God's Word muff be fear God and work Righteoufnefs by Faith, be rcch'd co them, or ¡nade known, thatthey may shall beaccepted ofhim ; for he is the Rewarder p ach'd y of them that diligently fèek him, Heb. ; r. 6, . How then (hall they call on him in 18. But I fay, have they not heard ? 14. whom :lieved ? and how Yes verily, them found went into all the they have not be (hall they believe in him of whom they earth, . their words unto the ends ofthe have not heard ? and how (hall they hear World. without a preacher. 12. But is not the World excufable then in 14. And this thewerhyou this neceility of . their lin, far want of preaching ? I an(wer, As Preaching the Go(pel ; for how (hall Men fèek, God tells us, Pf1.19. That the vilbleWorks of and WorEaip, and call on that God and Saviour God do Preach him, (even his Power, Wildom, in whom they have not believed ? And how and Coodnefs) to all the Wold, which will !hall they believe in him of whom they have ne- leave it whims( allju(texcufe ; (See Rom, 1.20, vet heard ? And how Eaáll they hear, ifno one 21.) So thrift Cent his Apoftles with a Cotn- tell their, or preach to them ? ( Even the Works mitTicn to preach o all Nations ; and many Na- ofNature, and Providence that reveal Gad dark- tirnskave already heard his Gofpel. 1 , told Men by Inftru&ors, to make 19. But I f y, Did not Ifrael know ? Firfü them capableofunderftanding them. Much more Moles faith,-.l will provoke you tojealott- the Gofpel of Chrift.) fie by them that are no people, and by a 1f.. And how (hall they preach, except foolifh cation I will anger you. they be fent ? as it iswritten, How beauti- ful are the feet of them that preach the 9, But have not the7ewr had notice of the of el of peace, and bring glad-tidings of Gofpel when it was fitft preached to them, and g p g re'e&eel by them ? The very converSon of the good things ! Gentles, receiving that Chrift whom they re- 15. And how lhall. Men Preach the Myfteries'jefted. which is matter ofenvy. to them, (hall ofSalvation, that are not called and lent ofGod, leave themwithout excufe;_as M f r faith, Dear', by his Qualifications and Cominifl'ioa? for who at. 21. will provo( you to jealanfis Cy, Nc. can be lush a Light in the World, that is not taught and gifted by the ofFather of Lights ? to. But Efaias is very bold, and faith, I And whocan In God's name proclaim the Word was found of them that fought me not ofReconciliation as his Meffenger; who is "not a, - I was made manifeft unto them that asked thorized by him lb to do? We love glad Ti- trot after Me. at. But to Ifrael he faith', ,dings, and welcome the Mcffengesofti;em; and All day Icing I have ftretched forth my thisfhould be the Entertainment ofChriffs Apo- hands unto a difobedient and gain-fayingm files and Minifters in the World, who bring the people. tnoft joyful Tidings ofSalvaticn. As it is written, 20 2I. But !fiab boldly and plainly foretells Mow$2eautrful are rise Feet of them Jh4e, &c. God's calling the Cient,les ay Ihr Grace, and f 7' feekirag them that fielt fought not him ; and his 16. But they have not all obeyed the rejeeiting the 'PM as a People that after his loft pofpel. For Efàias faith, Lord, who hath fuffering did continue obftimuely to reje& his elieved our report ? word -and Grace, faying, 7 was found of them 16. But you may fay, Why then clothnot this that fou hr me het, &o. and, r.4" d,.y log hays Preaching convert more ofthe fever? This escel-. f¡trachea forth, 'tic. AN NOTATIONS: He 12, 13, 14, and i s Verfcs arc controverted by Expoftorr, as to the .Qucftion, Whether they aflèrt cr deny the Salvationof any that haar not of Chrift ; tlecaufe (on. one file) it is :laid, That whoever cloth call on the Name ofthe Lord (hall be laved ; and the i 9rh. Pialee is cited, which tells us how God'sWorks 'do preach him to all the World, &a, And on the other fide, How Asa rh,y hear without,a Preacher? &c. Fir(t, lye mutt not confound the doubt of theCenfe of this Teat, with taedoubt .cftheMatter, which is the Salvation of Men that hear not the Gofpel : As to th; tïern'er, L have Paid what I thought neotjfid in the Paraphrafe, and leave it to the judgment of the heads% ' As