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Ch. I t. All Ifiacl. Romans. as not cafe? off. Ciif i s 2. God bath not call away his pee.- they fought, and hoped, ant wated roe him ; pie which he foreknew. Wot ye not But God's Elein ones have obtained it, sr1_ we relt mils of it, becaufe their Sin and Prcjuhic=s ? what the fcripture faith of Elias blindedrhen. how he maketh interceffion to God 8 Accordin g as it is written God have Israel, laying, 3. Lord, they hath given them the fpirit of11lm- have killed thy prophets, and d ber, eyes that they íhouldnot fee, and dowr.t.,ineáltars; and lam leftalone, ears that they Ihould not hear, unto ard they f dk my life. this day. 2, 3. God hath among the Ifraelites his fore- knownand chofen People: And theme he cloth 8. As it is written, lira. 29. lo. Becaufe they not cals off, though he leave the reg in their would not obey cite Spirit of God, that would Rebellion. Know ye not what E,'iás thought have awakened and eulightned them, God and laid of the'Ifrae!ires in his limp, That he bath juftly given them up to the feduS;ion of was left alone, as if they had been all Revel- the Spirit ofSlumber, Stupidity, and Blindnefs tees ? from whence it is no wonder that they fee not and hear nor to this day, being deprived Of 4. But what faith the answer of his Splits Illumination. God unto him ? I have refereed to 9 And David faith, Let their fa- my fèlfféventhouland uien, who have ble be made a Gore, and a trap, anti` not bowed the knee to the image of alfumbin block, and a recomPence Baal unto them. io. Let their eyes be 4. But God knew of more than Elias did : darkened, that they may not fee, and. Ilehad feveu thoufand that were no Idolaters. bowdown their back alway. 5. Even lo then at this prefenttime 9, t o. And David Prophetically prayed for allo there is a remnant according to filch Judgments on the obfinate Enemies of the eleaiion of grace. the Jult, that for a Recompense of their Malice 5. So now alfo God bath his chofen Rem- Godwould turn their Comforts intò Feuilia- , ant, whom his Grace Isatis brought to Faith in meats, and forfake them, laying, &s. Christ. r I. I lay then, Have they Pram- 6. And if by grace, then is it no bled that they should fall .? God for- more of works: otherwife grace is no bid; but rather through their fall fàl., more _grace. But if it be of works, vation is come unto the Gentiles, for then is it no more grace : otherwilè to provoke them to jealoufie. work is no more wask. i r. But what ? Aretheyutterly forfaken and 6. And if they are cholera and madehis ja- caR off'? D dliad God no obetterB herein Stifled People by Grace and Free Gift for the thing. Merits of Quit}, then it cannot be by the Me- the greater part were permitted juftly to drive rit of our own Performance of the Law. And away the Gofpel from them to the Goriles, if it be by the Merit of fach Perforinance, de- that thefe being converted might after occason ferving not Death but Life, then it is not.of their Couverlion in the Uriverfal Church. meet Grace or free Gift. For what need a 1 Now if the fall of them be the mats Pardon, who delerveth not Punifltment? riches of the world, and the dimi.. or, ro have life fteely given him, which is his nílhin of them riches of the due for the Merit of his Works ? (For I here a give you notice, that it is no Works that I Gentiles:: how much more their fnl: (peak of and exclude, but that which exclud- nels ? rib Free Gift and Grace, and dot that which t2. And it the Gentiles have been Co great óbeyerls grace, and cloth fitp- ,Gainers by occasion of the Sinand Fall of the pefe ir). :fen's, hownotchmore when they tlsall become 7. What then.? Israel bath not ob. Cite Jdian;, will they add to the Glory and tamed that which he feeketh for; but Greatnef, of the Catholick.ChtiftianChurch. the election bath obtainedit, and the 13. For I (peak to you Gentiles, in eft were blinded.: as much as I am the Apoftle of thg y: The whole Nation of the Yews have not íaentilcsy ,l uiag11111 .mine of11 ; ,obtahlcd deliverence by the Meelzah, though 4