Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. i I. The Gentilesgruffed Romans. into the Church. Ch t I 2 §. I (peak this to my own and the Gentiles ches were broken off, that I might be comfort, as tgheir Apoftle, as well as for the yews, graffed in. 2 '. Well ; becaufe ofun- as impCafe ofdche teyrs in that de Office, they were broken off, and thou rate. ftandeff byfaith. Be not high-mind- 14. If by any means I may pro- ed, but fear. 'yoke to emulation themwhich are my :9, 2 o. If you fay, That Godmore efteem. flefh, and might faveCome of them. ed me than them, bemire he broke them off g that I might be graffed in. Be not deceived. , 14.. And that byglorying in your Faith, and it was for their own Unbelief, and by it, and hoping yet for their Converfion, I might pro- not undefervedly, that they were broken off.: yoke them to emulation, and win and fave And it is by Faith, and not for any Worldly more of them. Preeminence; that thou art graffed in : There- II. For if the raftingaway of them fore be not puff up, but fear that Sin that cut be the reconcilingof theworld ; what °ff them' ,jhall the receiving of them be, but life 21. For if God fpared not the na- from the dead ? rural branches, take heed left he alto is. For if the Cc/vacs have received the fparenot thee. Gofpel, and Co are reconciled to God, by occa- 25. For if God cat off themwithwhomhe ficn of the yeas expelling it, what a blefted dril made the Covenant of Peculiarity, take State will the Church be in, andwhat a Mercy heed of finning as they did by Pride and Un- like a Refiirre&ion willit be to the yems, when kelief againft his Gofpel, left he alto cut off they (hallcomeinto the CatholickChurch'? thee. 16. T'or if the firft fruit be holy, 22.. Behold therefore the goodnefs, the lump is allo holy ; and if the root and feverity of God : on themwhich be holy, foare the branches. fell, feverity ; but towards thee, 16. For if God bath accepted thole 7ewt goodnefs, if thou continue in his that are Relievers, who are to the whole Nati- goodnefs : otherwife thoualto (halt be on but as the Firft-fruits to the Lump, he will tut off'. accordingly accept the Nation when they come 22. Rather here reverently admire God's . intoChrift as we have done: And as heaccep- Goodnefs and Severity. On the linful re- ted,Abraham and their believing Anceftors, he i.ede d ta will alto accept them : And if thofe Apoftles be theè `uwhich con flake e, f houkcontin e honoured of God as Holy, who from them are in the Faith, andObedience and Gratitude to feat with the Gofpel into the World, fo (hall him : Otherw'ife thou alto (halt be cut off. (As, the brokenBranches be when they are reftored alas! aloft of the EafternChurches are.) 17. And if Comeof the branches be 23. And they alto, if they bide; broken off, and thou being a wild o- not Rill in unbelief, (hall be graffed live-tree, were graffed in amongft iii: for God ìs able to graft them in them, and with thempartake( of the a ain. root and fatnefs of the olive-tree ; 18. g I3oaft not againft the branches : but if 23. And God hark not excluded them from the Grace of the Gofpel, fo, as to make their thouboaft, thou beareft not the root, Recovery impolfcble. .If they be converted but the root thee. from Unbelief, which God can effe&, they 17, 18. The Catholick Church I compare to (hall be grafted into the Catholick Church. an Olive-tree : TheCovenant of Peculiarity is 24. For if thou wert cut out of the their Conitituting Charter: It was made fire with Abraham the Father of the 7eaei, and olive-treewhich is wild bynature, and next, of all the Faithful : It was Pent to all the wert graffed contrary to nature into a World by .ApejIles from 7ndea : Thefe two are good olive-tree ; how much more the Root: The yews and,Gent ea are Branches: iliall thefe which be the natural bran- riles he 7ews are the firft Branches, and the Gen- ches, be graffed into their own olive= rite Branches of a wild grafted tree ? in. If the Yews be cut off, boaft not againft them ; for the Covenant and Gofpel was not 24. For if thou wert cut off fiom the Wild first given to you (char now receive itsBenefits) Olive-tree, whichwas neturalto thee; and be- bur to theirs, and from them toyou. fides or above Nature, and contrary to thy 17e i;. "I hou t sit lay barn, The bran- feet, watt taken irato God's Covenant and ChertiR