Baxter - Houston-Packer Collection BS2096.A1 1701 .P3

Ch. it. Some elefled, iZolnans. andfóme hardened. Ch. r t, Church; howmuch more will God take them in when they believe, who were lisrnham's natural Seed, and fifty in his Covenant? 25. For I would not, brethren, that ye fhould be ignorant of this tnyftery (left ye fhouldbewife i your own conceits) that blindllefs in part is happened to Ifrael, until the fulnefs of the Gentiles be come in. 26. And fo all Ifrael than be faxed r us, 26. For I would not have yoti ignorant ofthis Myftery of God's Providence, left Igno- tance puffyou up with falfeSelf-conceits; That part of the Yews are now left in this Blitidnefs; till the Genti'e Churches be advanced to an Ho- mutable State and Rinds: And then all the dfr,tei ofGod, the true faithful Seed ofSora- ham, and therein the main body of the yews, Mall make up the Catholick Church, and be faved from their. State ofUnbelief. q6. As it is written, There than come out of Sion the deliverer, and tha11 turn away ungodlinefs, from Ja- cob. 26. As Ifa.5q. 2o. it was prophefied, That out ofSian a Saviour fhould arifc for *ad, in turn them from iniquity. 27. For this is my covenant tinto them, when I (hall take away their fibs. .7. As he faith, That his Covenant made With them is to take away their Sin. 28. As concerning the gepel, ;bey sire enemies for your falce: but as touching the eleftion; They are belo., ved for the fathers fakes. e8. For yourConverfron they were permit- ted as Enemies to Chriftto drive away theGol- pet from them to you But yet God Mach not quite nulled his Covenant with their Fathers, but will perform it in the Cdnvet'fron of all atheist that are Elea. 29. For thegifts and callingofGod ¡re without repentance. 29. For God is not mutable, and will not for the Sin of there Men, forget his Covenant with their Fathers; but will yet perform it in the full feule Cif it; and not repent of it and null it. 3o. For as ye iri times part have not believed Gods yet have now ob- tained mercy through their unbelief ( 314 Even fo have there álfy now not believed, that through your mercy they äifo may obtain mercy. so, 3r. Por as you were formerly in unbe= lief, and difobedienr, and yet now are con- `vetted by occation of their Unbelief; fo the unbelieving yesei :hall be brought by Mercy into the Church, by the Preaching that fhal' be Cent from the Gentile-Churches, and by tiv Power and Gloryof the Church under Chri- than Emperours and Governours, and by your godd Example. 32. For God bath concluded neat all in unbelief, that he might have Mercy upon all. 32.. For God in Juftite and Wifdom bath for a tithe left the main Body of the yetcr in Unbelief, as formerly he did the,Geuti /cs, that in his time hemight in mercy call in the maid ßòdÿof them into the Catholick Church, as hd Math done yob 33. O the depth of the riches both ofthe Wifdom and knowledge. ofGod ! how unfearchable are his judgments; and his ways gal; finding out ! 33. When ,we think of there myfterioüs Pros videdces of God, (freeiy fleeting Mercy to the Unworthy, and permitting ßrefisïiing Men td mifcarry, and yet making ufe or their Sin for good) we fltould be fo far from queftioning God's Mercy or Juftice herein, that we fltould admire the depth of the Riches of hisWifdom; whole Judgments are unfearchable, and his Cuunfels ánd Ways ndt to be traced; and fitly judged of by the Wit of Mari. 34. For whobath known the mind of the Lord, or who bath been his counfeller ? 35. Or who bath firff given to him, and it (malt be reconn penfed unto hifiï again ? 34, 35. .How little know Meti of the Mind. of God? Nothing h what he freely tells, thenf. Hë is not guided bÿ the Cognfel of Man, nor is Man acquainted with his feud Counfels. Who can oblige him tb recompenfe by his Gifts, or Math any thing but what God giveth Misr ? 36. For of hina, and throughhim; and to him, are all things r to Whom be glory for ever. Amen. 36. For as all Creattires hove ;liter forts of estriofick Caufes, viz, theEgieient, Dirigen.' alid Finns, God lo ail there; the ÇhiefFfhcienr, Chief Dirigent, and Chief Final Cau{e ofal! l + a u